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NEW deathkillmoves


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The game really needs more death kill moves.You know what is missing? To be able to cut a hand which holds the weapon (or the other,not important ) or from enemy's arm,or a leg and then with another move to finish him . Why only decapitations in game?? Limps too!!


This would be great with Enhanced Blood Textures by dDefinder ofc...


I will post a comment in his thread too but anyone who know how to do it..please do it!

Edited by spanian77
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I'll add my vote to this. Amputations for arms and legs would be awesome, but also adding ranged killing animations like arrows through heads/necks (like in Fallout 3 and FO:NV) or throwing axes/swords even. That would be badass.



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I'm also interested in new kill moves, although I highly doubt there will be some new ones made by modders in the near future.

I already made some animations ... not for skyrim, of course, but I made some.

So if a way to do new ones is discovered and somewhat documented I would gladly make some, but I guess it's not easy to figure out how they are done.

Since Bethesda didn't give us a tool for it ( at least not YET? ).


I will keep my fingers crossed XD.


I did everything that was possible with the existing kill moves in my mod but there are just far too few that are really outstanding.

Edited by Grasmann
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