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Playing as yourself in Skyrim.


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  • 1 year later...

Last post a year ago, well I've only had Skyrim for three weeks... Anyway, I played about 100 hours with a dark elf & did a ton of min maxing- even on master it was so easy I started to get bored. Then I hit on the idea of restarting as myself since customizing is so easy. I'd say I was able to make a breton that looks very much like me and with the restictions on what abilities, armor, weapons, etc. I can use justified by " playing as me " as opposed to just randomly making restictions, this time thru is much harder and much more enjoyable. Two key points I'm using / tracking are 1) If I die, thats the end.. makes me so careful of every choice.. & 2) I'm also paying close attention to the day counter.. the longer I " live in the world " the more I am very slowly allowing myself to learn things I can't do well ( or at all ) myself. But, no matter how long the game days end up being, I'm never going to learn a skill that woudn't interest me personally.


I have 78 hours played on the " Me " play thru so far & am not even 1/10th as far as I was at 100 hours with my first dark elf.

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