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MAO Crashing?

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Take heart, you're not alone. I don't learn anything from getting something right first try. My mistakes are my most valuable resource (and it always amazes me that people here will let me borrow theirs).


If you do decide to completely uninstall the whole game, and not just the mods, Bben46 has posted a wiki article that will help: Oblivion reinstall procedure. Don't miss the link near the top of the page about moving your Steam installation (if you use the Steam version of the game), and also the part about registry cleaning (it's also important). He also has a Revert to vanilla data you may find helpful.

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I saw that you weren't getting an answer to your question on the DR thread so I PMed someone who might know. Here's a quote with their answer:

DR should work with MAO mostly, the animations in the standard directory should work when setup accordingly to MAO's specifications. Not certain about some special animations unique to DR that aren't in the normal place, those probably won't work. Guess easy answer would be "no".

My take on that answer is that it will take some knowledge and tweaking to do, and you may need to give up some of one or the other's features to achieve compatibility. Sorry I can't be of more help, I don't use either mod.

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