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Under armor


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from what I understand this is the place to post to ask for a mod to be made. I am wondering if someone could make a underwear/bra's mod that can be worn under armor already wearing and add to armor bonus. I know that are already underwear/bra mods out there but they replace your armor. I am wondering if anyone can make it so you can wear the underwear/bra and your normal armor over top. That way you have more to enchant and it can be made of different materials so it add a bonus to armor. Anyone want to be awesome and make such a mod?


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Unfortunately the number of slots can't be changed, as it's hardcoded deep within the game engine.

Only what is occupying a slot will be rendered, and only 1 item can occupy a slot at a time.

So to equip your bra under your armor you'd have to sacrifice another slot, as upperbody is already taken by the armor.

Or you can make it a slotless item, making it not render at all, which considering it's "under" the armor anyways might just be fine, but I'm not sure if slotless items even have their enchantments having an effect on you. I think they did, so we'd be lucky here, but I'm not sure. It won't have an effect on your armor rating though, in this I'm almost certain I can recall it being that way.


So, adding enchantment slots should be possible, I'm almost certain now the effects are still in place even without a slot assignment, but adding armor value isn't. And rendering at the same time as the armor is worn requires you to sacrifice another slot. The number of rendered items is capped by the amount of slots there are.

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Also keep in mind that the Armor Rating caps out at 85 points. You can add all the AR you want above 85 and it will only have psychological value (and I find that 85 AR isn't that hard to achieve in the vanilla game).
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so a slotless Item is like the scales of justice in the game correct? Where it is in your inventory and it give an affect but it's really "used" yeah? Anyone want to take on said challenge and make this a mod?
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so a slotless Item is like the scales of justice in the game correct? Where it is in your inventory and it give an affect but it's really "used" yeah? Anyone want to take on said challenge and make this a mod?

Not exactly like those. Those have their effect while they're just anywhere inside your inventory, as it's not an enchantment but an object script, which runs all the time. Whereas slotless items, as in clothing/armor items you missed (ahem, intentionally left out) assigning a slot to still act exactly like equippable items do, as in having an "equipped" state, highlighting them while worn and not while not, and only having their enchantments do their job "while worn" etc.

But basically that's similar, yes.

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