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[LE] Can´t change the default outfit on game start

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There are several instances where MQ101 force equips the prisoner outfit. I've been working on a "Clean Start" mod that disables each function, through comments.


Kriegerseele, I assume you have access to the CK? If so, create a new plugin by loading just the Skyrim and Update .esm's. Under Actor, search for "Player" the form ID should be [00's]7 with around 500 some on the use count - assuming an unmodded version. Under the Inventory Tab, there is a menu field for outfit. This is the default outfit your PC will wear during MQ101 - at least until you equip the armor in either the Trophy room or the Barracks room.

Make a note of where the Outfit selector is located.

From the Object Window tree, select Items > Armor > Outfits. Right click the outfit fields for the drop down menu. Select "New." You will need to name your Outfit set - I just used PrisonerPlayer to keep it close to the default selection on the Player/Outfit field. Define your new outfit by selecting the various pieces from Items > Armor > Wherever you put the Shinobi clothing items (Or you can select armor and use a filter such as "Shinobi".

Click "OK" to save the new outfit and return to the Player field (Use a filter search "Player" under Actors.) Select your Shinobi outfit from the default Outfit drop down. BTW, this is the same place you can turn off the starting spells - if you want. Next tab over from Inventory is Spell List. :wink:


The final step takes some time....

Go through QF_MQ101_0037B (Double check with the use count menu option; you'll see a QF_MQ101--etc. That's the one you want.)

Open with an external editor; I used plain old Notepad. Do a ctrl+F search for "PrisonerClothes". You'll find multiple lines reading "player.equipitem PrisonerClothesShirt/PrisonerClothesShoes." I simply commented them off by placing a ";" at the beginning of the line. Re-compile the script and save your plugin.


One warning: If your new outfit includes a helmet, it WILL show up during character creation. This means your view of the PC's face will be obscured. For some reason, my file always wants to start the PC with a full set of Iron Armor - including the Iron Helmet.

Double check in the inventory; there's a field for Inventory. QF_MQ101 also contains several "player.removeallitems()" commands. I commented those off also, just to make sure my PC's travelling clothes weren't removed from his inventory.


I know this is a little bit of a longer workaround. But it skips most of the scripting headache. Much easier to turn off a line in a script that's already written.


Just a sidenote: If you'd be willing to beta test "Clean Start," I'd be willing to make a Shinobi Variant for you. I have a few more tweaks to the Barracks room and it'll be ready for beta release.

Edited by OblivionRanger
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Fragment References for changes to {QF_MQ101_0003372B}.

;Changes are noted in Comments [Turned off by CleanStart]

[;This line was commented out in the Script. Remove the comment mark to turn it back on.]

;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_197

; remove all player's gear and reequip outfit - [Turned off by CleanStart]


; equip player's prisoner outfit - Turned off by CleanStart



;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_301

;tell player to open the lock - [Turned off by CleanStart]

SetObjectiveDisplayed(75, 1)

[;Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(Lockpick, 12)]

;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_156

; remove all player's gear and reequip outfit - [Turned off by CleanStart]


; equip player's prisoner outfit - [Turned off by CleanStart]




;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_227

; equip player's prisoner outfit - [Turned off by CleanStart]

[;Game.GetPlayer().EquipItem(ClothesPrisoner, abSilent = true)]

[;Game.GetPlayer().EquipItem(ClothesPrisonerShoes, abSilent = true)]

[;Game.GetPlayer().EquipItem(PrisonerCuffsPlayer, abSilent = true)]

;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_191

;equip prisoner outfit - [Turned off by CleanStart]



;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_303

;Bear room, give player a bow - [Turned off by CleanStart]

[;Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(Longbow, 1)]

[;Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(IronArrow, 12)]


; remove all player's gear and reequip outfit - [Turned off by CleanStart]


; equip player's prisoner outfit - [Turned off by CleanStart]

[;Game.GetPlayer().EquipItem(ClothesPrisoner, abSilent = true)]

[;Game.GetPlayer().EquipItem(ClothesPrisonerShoes, abSilent = true)]

[;Game.GetPlayer().EquipItem(PrisonerCuffsPlayer, abSilent = true)] - Don't worry, PrisonerCuffs are part of the PC starting Default Outfit. They'll still equip.

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One warning: If your new outfit includes a helmet, it WILL show up during character creation. This means your view of the PC's face will be obscured. For some reason, my file always wants to start the PC with a full set of Iron Armor - including the Iron Helmet.


That's because that's the outfit specified in the player's actorbase, along with their basic potions & weaponry, in the CK. You'll see the same if you use the coc console command to launch a new game. I have a personal mod that edits that record so's my test Dragonborn is a Nord lady in Dragonplate gear, but I would, in general, advise against modifying the player actor record in any mod for distribution.

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