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Disable Super Mutant respawns so they can be exterminated


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This mod disables Raider respawns-




So basically all I'm asking for is a Super Mutant version of this. Once the Institute is destroyed the FEV and mutant source is gone, so that should be the end of their respawns in the Commonwealth.


After destroying the Institute and BOS, the next logical step for the Minutemen's crusade to restore civilization is the genocide of the Super Mutant plague.

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Another idea to build on this would be something that lets you delete/scrap mutant gore, cages, soup pots, and girder beams in conjunction with a workbench anywhere mod. Then you could clean up all the gore after killing the mutants and turn their compounds into Minutemen outposts

Edited by JackTrenton
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When you continue playing after finishing the main story, the best way to "terraform" the landscape is to use the creation kit. (I would not do that while playing for the first time, as it might interfere with the immersion when breaking the 4th wall)


The creation kit editor is not really complicated to use, especially when you are just deleting objects. I used it to clean up all my settlements and the connecting roads.

You even are able to get rid of radiation, this was very useful at Quincy Quarry for example : http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17733/? or Saugus http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15573/?


This video explains how to start the Editor

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