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ReShade Error Message on Startup


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Using: Ruby's ENB, ReShade 3.0.8. (moved from enhanced shaders because of visual glitches)


Every time I open New Vegas, the screen freezes for roughly 10-15 seconds, then an error log pops up to tell me that something's wrong with the "enbbloom.fx" file in the root folder. The message is the following:
"warning X5000: global variables are considered "uniform" by default."


Thing is, that's not even the reason why I'm writing this. No matter what I do, I cannot get the error log off my screen. I've tried clicking everywhere I can but all that does is occasionally dragging the window to somewhere else; I can't close the log. However, even if I drag the window out of the way, if my cursor is on a certain part of the screen, it will freeze (on the menus/in-game) and grab the window.
As I've mentioned before, I can get in-game with no issues (well, that I have noticed at least), but the message is always there and every few seconds, I'll grab the window without wanting to.


I've opened the ReShade UI, opened the log from there but all it does is open up a new error log which I can (thankfully) close.


I'm probably just missing something simple, but I've looked in so many places and haven't really found anyone with this isse, so I had to ask for help. Anyways, thanks in advance to whoever replies.

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Don't use ReShade, so can't help with the error message display. But I would think the best solution is to resolve the "warning x5000" so the message isn't displayed in the first place.


That message seems to indicate there is a problem with the "enbbloom.fx" file. This thread reports that "ReShade loads all *.fx files found in the effect search directories." So, try just removing (or simply renaming) the "enbbloom.fx" file and see if the error goes away or is replaced by another.



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I tried renaming and removing that file, but as expected, ReShade just moved on to a new .fx file and the same error popped up. I also tried to move the effect search directory to a new folder altogether but for some reason, it just keeps loading the .fx files in the root folder.


I'm not sure what to try next. I could move every single enb*.fx file to a new folder, but then I'd have to mess with enb's search directories, right?

That thread also mentioned removing the game file from the effect search list, but I thought that's what I had done by changing the effect search directory to a new folder.


Thanks for replying.

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That being the case, all I can suggest would be to uninstall the preset and ReShade, cleanup anything left over, and then try re-installing. Otherwise you need to find some site where ReShade is supported and ask there. This does not appear to be a game issue but rather one with the app or possibly the preset. But, please see the 'Solutions to Post-Processor (ENB/SweetFX et. al.) problems' section in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide for the game related issues we have identified.


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  • 5 years later...

Don't use ReShade, so can't help with the error message display. But I would think the best solution is to resolve the "warning x5000" so the message isn't displayed in the first place.


That message seems to indicate there is a problem with the "enbbloom.fx" file. This thread reports that "ReShade loads all *.fx files found in the effect search directories." So, try just removing (or simply renaming) the "enbbloom.fx" file and see if the error goes away or is replaced by another.





If you don't use reshade, then dude, why are you here? :facepalm:

This post is for people who actually know how to help

Edited by lefttounge
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