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1 my xbox 360 hard drive is is broken :(

2 because of that small factoid no save games or saved music >:(

3 the only two games i have for 360 are oblivion and gta4 >:(

4 they just got major scratches so NO GAMES :verymad:

5 now so what? you say use one of your many xbox original games, right? :verymad:

6 because there is no hard drive no backward compatibility :verymad:


Life Spoiler:

My Xbox F*CKED ME!!!


i just needed to complain :thanks:

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Ah, right.


Well sorry, man. Stuff breaks. Was it red ring or just the HDD? Either way you'll have to get a new HDD or contact Microsoft if it's still under warranty. You could feasibly get a memory card since some games don't require the drive, but that's pretty shoddy and you miss out on a lot of features. Personally, I barely play my 360 so I could always loan you mine. :thumbsup:


Hang in there, man. It's all a test of patience.

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it happens

oblivion doesn tneed the hd to work its justvery usefull

shivering isles does need it

my xbox so farhasnt skragged my games justyet but i ma not in a habit of moving it when its on

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There's a game store near where I live that if a game gets scratched, you can trade it in. Maybe look into finding one like that? o:


But I feel your pain, after years and years of Crash Bash... suddenly down the drain after a teency weency scratch :(

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