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Fire/Frost immunity


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If I have a shield with 51% Fire and Frost resistance + boots with 51% Frost resistance + necklace with 51% Fire resistance, will I become immune to these?


Also I gave each of the blades a necklace and a ring with 51% Fire and Frost resistance, why do they still go down from dragon breath attacks?


Is it not possible to stack elemental resistances and become immune?

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for the player and the npc's you can only get up to the 80-85 resistance cap. so most of the damage of the attack should be absorbed, but just enough to take a little health from you. it has to do with balancing, otherwise people would be walking gods.... and the thalmor would have to put you down! hope i helped.
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Yea unless you are using Deadly Dragons their is no point in getting your resist to above 80%. You can have magic resist and fire/frost/lighting resist to reduce damage since they stack (multiplicative). So if someone hits you for 300dmg fire damage, 60% magic resist would reduce it to 120 and with 50% fire resist would reduce it to 60dmg.
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Im using the more powerful dragons mod, they kill you with 1 shout, so I decided to go with the plan anyway. I figured the health regen in my chestplate would compensate the damage and it has. Killed 2 dragons, elder and ancient, they never stood a chance as my heath bar never dropped bellow 80%. Thanks for the info.
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