johnyct9760 Posted March 3, 2012 Share Posted March 3, 2012 Hi everyone I've just gotten high enough in levels to start using energy weapons well and I noticed that one very highly recommended mod is: EWE Energy Weapons Enhanced So I have added it to my load order and looked at it with BOSS and where it placed the mod by defult was correct in the load order (BTW I'm using FOOM to install all of this) But here is where the plot thickens when I have the new EWE mod turned on the game crashes at startup, with them turned off the game runs fine just as it always did. Thanks so much for any help and insight you can provite on why this might be happening. John My Load order - 3-3-12============================================Fallout3.esmAnchorage.esmThePitt.esmStreetLights.esmBrokenSteel.esmPointLookout.esmZeta.esmCRAFT.esmCALIBR.esmEVE.esmEWE Energy Weapons Enhanced.esmFO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esmMart's Mutant Mod.esmRH_IRONSIGHTS.esmOverhead3PCamera.espRH_IronSights_Basic_VanillaPlugin.espRH_IronSights_Basic_AnchoragePlugin.espRH_IronSights_Basic_PittPlugin.espRH_IronSights_Basic_BrokenSteelPlugin.espRH_IronSights_Basic_PointLookoutPlugin.espRH_IronSights_Basic_ZetaPlugin.espRH_IronSights_Pitt_NewRifleSights.espRH_IronSights_RemoveReticule.espRH_IronSights_PL_NewItems.espbzArmour.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC The Pitt.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Point Lookout.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Mothership Zeta.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced (BrokenSteel).espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional VATS Realtime.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers (automatics only).espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty.espFO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty (Followers Enhanced).espRH_FWE_Bridge.espWeaponModKits.espEWE Supermutant Energy Weapons.espAdvanced Recon Armor.espMart's Mutant Mod.espMart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.espMart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.espMart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.espMart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.espMart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.espMart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.espMart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.espMart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + DLCs.espEWE Load Order Fix.espEWE Stormfront Studios Load Order Fix.espEWE DLC Addon.espInebriation.espInebriation-FOSE.espURWLRain.espBeer Bottle Caps.espNew Name For Dogmeat.esp Total active plugins: 57Total plugins: 57 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bethjunkie Posted March 3, 2012 Share Posted March 3, 2012 I'm not familiar with EWE but it looks to me like you just need to remove the EWE Stormfront Studios Load Order Fix.esp since you're not using the Stormfront Studios mod. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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