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Teleport Script Redux


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It teleports into tamriel fine, but when I try and teleport into a city with its own worldspace, ie whiterunworld, whiterunorigin cell. then I get the blue nothingness. but the open cities like falkreath or dawnstar are fine
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Ok, so it looks like theres something borked in your esp... I did a normal door hookup between your interior and Solitude, and it crashesif I door teleport to Solitude... however, if I create a test interior cell in my own mods and door hookup between it and Solitude, it works perfectly...

Did you by chance edit this with some older version of SkyEdit or TESVSnip?


I'll keep digging and see if I can fix your esp...

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I have had a go at it with Skyedit, but latest version, and I was having this problem before that . The first time this happened I suspected the esp was corrupted, and I uninstalled/reinstalled skyrim and CK and built the Cell from scratch and then it worked...for a while. but whatever messed with the first one, messed with the others as well.
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Ok, so here is what I have been able to figure out. Theres a problem with your 0frostfang cell, the issue only happens when you teleport from that cell into a city worldspace. I tested door teleports and it actually crashes teh game to desktop, from that cell only. I tried from different interior cells, vanilla, duplicated, and new, and your teleport script and normal door teleports work just fine from anywhere except 0frostfang. I can't see what the actual problem with the cell is, but I am certain theres something broken about it. Not the knid of news you want to hear, but I suggest a redo in a fresh esp that hasn't been touched by a homebrew editor. Do a lot of testing as you rebuild the mod, you may find that you placed something incorrectly or used something that should not have been and constant testing as you go would allow you to pinpoint an issue right away.
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Ok, so Sent a pm to the author of Moon Sugar Mansion and he kindly replied and explained how he circumvented the issue, his teleport script looks like this:


Scriptname LFoxMSMTeleportTravelScript extends ObjectReference  

ObjectReference Property TeleportMarkerDestination  Auto
ObjectReference Property TeleportMarkerBugPrevent  Auto
ObjectReference Player

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

       Player = Game.GetPlayer()



He essentially teleports just outside the city (into Tamriel world-space) then immediately teleports again (into city world-space) I've tested this, and it works! even inside the buggy frostfang cell. Though it does mean two consecutive loading screens in a row.


So with that bug fixed (as best it can be I think) Can anyone tell me how to check a map marker to see if a player has visited it yet, and if he isnt disable the teleport stone, and less likely can someone tell me how to get your follower to come with you through the teleport.

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