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Detect Dead Spell Needed


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You've modded Skyrim with flora and now, in all that tall grass, you cannot find the creature you just dropped with an arrow... that body just HAS to be around here somewhere... I need those pelts, teeth, etc...


Could someone create a spell that detects nearby dead bodies?

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There are detect life and detect dead spells in the vanilla game. See Tolfdir at the College. No sense using up an .esp slot.


If you're already using Campfire (pre-req mod for Frostfall) then there is an "instincts" power, which will make the bodies glow with the pull of a trigger and no magicka used.

Edited by thumbincubation
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The default game Detect Dead is an advanced spell only really usable by skilled mages, so it's not a great option for many characters.


Campfire's Instincts power is good and the other option for non-mages and lower level characters is my Detect Corpse spell already mentioned by Kroekr.

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