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Yaa.. that really didnt get anything done. Aside from wasting time tracking down files to install across the internet.


Really.. python..really?


After getting ever thing done. Wryeflash doesn't actually *do* anything. and doesn't interact with boss or Nexus mod manger.

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After getting ever thing done. Wryeflash doesn't actually *do* anything. and doesn't interact with boss or Nexus mod manger.

re-install boss - use the auto installer


then look at the very bottom of wrye flash

Edited by Fonger
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After getting ever thing done. Wryeflash doesn't actually *do* anything. and doesn't interact with boss or Nexus mod manger.

re-install boss - use the auto installer


then look at the very bottom of wrye flash


http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Rocket_(ammunition) or just take five minutes to google fallout rocket and wiki.


Anyways, you were supposed to pick it up off of a marked man when you first went into the divide, but if you missed it the name of the weapon is red glare, and you'll get a copy from the footlocker that shows up once you've beaten the DLC. and barring that, the location is also on the wiki.

Edited by formalrevya
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Thanks for telling me what shoots them.


And question for fonger. How the heck do you get Wrye flash to load? I've got every thing it says i needed. Im not sure what actually run the program as nothing pops up.

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How the heck do you get Wrye flash to load?

first install python (if you don't find it, look under Wrye Bash in the tesnexus file section - that's the one for oblivion files)


then start from the "Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw" in the mopy directory you installed wrye flash into

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