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Too wet and shiny... HELP


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Hey guys, I hope you can help me; I have a little graphical problem in that some surfaces appear to be way too shiny or wet. Most notable are dungeon walls, which are obviously supposed look moist, but in my game are covered in white dots of shininess - have a look at the attached screenshots. Bread is also shiny and wet. I have no idea which mod could be causing this, any ideas? Here's my plugins.txt:


Thanks in advance for any help you can give.





SoS - The Dungeons.esp

SoS - The Wilds.esp




Killmove +.esp

Valdacil's Item Sorting - Ammo.esp


Valdacil's Item Sorting - Books.esp

Valdacil's Item Sorting - Clutter.esp

Valdacil's Item Sorting - Food.esp

Valdacil's Item Sorting - Potions.esp

Valdacil's Item Sorting - Quest Unique and Trophy.esp

Valdacil's Item Sorting - Smithing No Smelter Categories.esp

Valdacil's Item Sorting - Soul Gems.esp

Lawren RNG Guards.esp




Fixed Followers.esp


Better Dynamic Snow.esp




Realistic Lighting.esp

Realistic Lighting Patcher.esp




WiS IV - Blood Coins Normal.esp

WiS IV - Dark Rainbow.esp

WiS IV - Fix FrostspiderGiant.esp

WiS IV - Heroes & Villains.esp

Weapons and Armor fixes - Hacks.esp

Weapons and Armor fixes.esp


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Do you have any texture replacers?


It looks like you could have some dodgy _n.dds files.... i.e. broken normal maps


I have Official high resolution texture pack along with Terrain Bump 1.3 and Better Dynamic Snow 1.6. I also have Static Mesh Improvement Mod 1.13 which replaces a couple of textures. However, I have attempted to disable all these in NMM and the problem still remained.

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It looks like something is wrong with the _N.dds files most likely, tbh I think it looks pretty awesome. But you may want to try removing your textures folder to see if there are files in there causing the problem since any files in there may load instead of your BSAs if the BSAs are invalidated.
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  • 8 months later...

Did you have Sharpshooters Extreme Graphics Vision ENB (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15105) installed once? I had this ENB installed months ago, but instead went for Realistic Lighting because my PC couldn't handle it. I forgot to remove all the files which came with the ENB and ended up with shiny textures, making everything look like plastic.


If you didn't have an ENB installed in the past, then it's most likely some buggy normal files like said above.

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It's obvious that he has an ENB active in the game as there is a Bokeh DoF on the first image, which no other mod provides. If you want everything else to stay the same, open up enbseries.ini in your skyrim directory and edit the following lines under environment:








If it's still too shiny then reduce the first three variables to 2 or 1.5. If you don't want the DoF, color correction, or it's taking too heavy a toll on your system, then simply remove D3D9.dll from your skyrim directory. The specular in these images are clearly coming from the lighting engine, not the texture maps. Hellscreamy is right, you can get plastic-y textures, but the specular you're seeing here is lighting based.


Hope this helped,


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It's obvious that he has an ENB active in the game as there is a Bokeh DoF on the first image, which no other mod provides. If you want everything else to stay the same, open up enbseries.ini in your skyrim directory and edit the following lines under environment:








If it's still too shiny then reduce the first three variables to 2 or 1.5. If you don't want the DoF, color correction, or it's taking too heavy a toll on your system, then simply remove D3D9.dll from your skyrim directory. The specular in these images are clearly coming from the lighting engine, not the texture maps. Hellscreamy is right, you can get plastic-y textures, but the specular you're seeing here is lighting based.


Hope this helped,



Brett, I have tried the settings you recommended and also tried removing D3D9.dll and it still looks shiny. I lowered the mulitpliers to 0.0 and it looks good, but I have noticed some odd lighting effects with these settings. Essentially if I look at an object it will be lit, then if I look slightly to the side it goes dark. Its only a few objects though, so overall an improvement. I just got a new machine, but once I get photoshop installed I can post some screen shots if that would help.


Thanks, Alex

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Dammit, my last post didn't send, so sorry if this is brief.


The excessive specular is probably from a leftover .fx file or something, I would recommend installing a different enb. I highly recommend Project MATSO ENB: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25451. Here is what it looks like on my system: http://i.imgur.com/2OV5p.jpg So don't worry if his pics look oversaturated I promise it looks fine in game. If your performance is poor I recommend turning off DoF as it looks fine without and you won't care after like 5 minutes. As you can see, the specular is not overkill at all and is reserved for just a few things.


I too have had some issues with the light pop-in, but I have been too lazy to fix them :P I don't think that could be related to specular though, but I don't know ENB's innards.


It would be easier for me if we could continue this via PM, but I will check back here anyways.


Thanks, Brett

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