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A nother nord wepon whit pic:)


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Hello iv ben cinda addicted to nexus sins i discoverd it i bet im not the only one :)


And well iv ben adding lots of mods to mi game mostly armor retextures etc but also many new fine wepons and armors and so i thugt id make a request for a playeable version of mi dream sword which is a real one whit real viking runes :)


and if thers any one intrested iv ben mising the loks of northen steel armors you know whit fur lining at the edges and things like the helmet thor used in the new thor movie whit the wings thats one thats not done here as well:)

iv attached a pic of the sword i mentioned and il add a link to the maker of it and many other fine wepons but its this sword i manly want to see its truly a great loking wepon and not to fancy iv always loved 2h weps :)


this is a direct link to the rest of the pictures and some info :)



I hope this sparks a intrest whit some of the moders out ther and thx for all the great mods so fare :)

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Well ask the creator of the sword for permission to use the design / images for textures (tell him that he will be credited for it and the sword will come with a link to his site as well) maybe (!) i find the time to make it.



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Well ask the creator of the sword for permission to use the design / images for textures (tell him that he will be credited for it and the sword will come with a link to his site as well) maybe (!) i find the time to make it.




ok iv emailed the creator of the wep and hope to hear form him sone :)

thx for the reply and offer :)

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Well i started with the model, will wait for the creator's answer then...texturing could take a while, depends if i find a free minute, could take a day or a few more, never know :biggrin:





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Well i started with the model, will wait for the creator's answer then...texturing could take a while, depends if i find a free minute, could take a day or a few more, never know :biggrin:






hey loks great man im realy loking forvard to this :)

i got a reply from the creator to day he said as long as ther was no problem quote If it is not for profit then I don't have any problem with you using the design if it credited and to add publicity is a good thing too thanks. I'd be interested to see the graphic when it's done.


so we can add his name and may be a link to his wepage on the mod discription it shud be fine :)


his name is: Brendan olszowy webpage: http://www.fableblades.com

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Well ok, i imported it into the game. Textures will take a while, i'm busy in RL as usual so it will take 2-3 days i guess until i find the time for it...will update this thread then.





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Well ok, i imported it into the game. Textures will take a while, i'm busy in RL as usual so it will take 2-3 days i guess until i find the time for it...will update this thread then.






great stuff size loks good do you just copi pastse stats size from a ingame wep ?just curius ^^


loking forvard to the complete item and thx for taking on the prodject realy apreshiate it :)

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