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Personal Journal


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Littered everywhere throughout Skyrim are copious personal journals that people always seem to leave lying around for us to help us finish our quests. Indeed even when their lives are in peril, many adventuring NPCs seem to take the time to scribble down their meanderings about the situation for posterity, greatly to our advantage...


However it seems that the Dovahkiin seems to care little about such trite and narcissistic banality, and keeps no journal, has no scribe, and indeed many of his (or her) heroic feats will be lost forever to an unspoken History, and the future bards will have missed many a great opportunity for an epic song!


So why not have a mod which allows us to simply keep a journal that the player can type into? I'm not sure if something like this would even be remotely possible... to be able to type into a journal in "real time" in the game and immediately save the text into a book, or several books.


Has anyone ever thought of doing something like this?

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