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Neverending battle


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I was just wondering if there was a mod that has a fort for example, that is being attacked by bandits 24/7 without either side winning? for example every time a legion/stormcloak soldier dies it spawns a new one, same for the attacking bandits/forsworn?


If not i would love for someone to create one, training weapons skills is kinda boring unless i'm doing it in a big old battle! The sides should be legion or stormcloak against bandits or forsworn because that way it makes it safe for neutral characters to fight without worrying about disrupting relations with either side, or you could do 3 different forts one with a stormcloak fort and legion attackers, another with a legion fort and stormcloak attackers and then a neutral one with whiterun guards (or any holds guards because of their neutrality) vs bandits and/or forsworn.


I would totally make this myself if i wasnt useless at modding, i can hardly retex things and thats pretty much the simplest variety of modding...


Thanks to anyone who thinks this is a good idea!

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