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Bag of Holding by Justin0ther.


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I downloaded the bag and installed it, pulled up my saved game, and it asked whether I wanted the bag now or to quest for it. I chose now, and it popped up in my inventory and worked wonderfully. Then my wife pulled up her saved game for her character, and nothing, no window asking whether she wanted the bag now or to quest for it, and no bag in her character's inventory. Does anyone know what could be causing this problem, and what to do about it?
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Could be the difference between restarted and reloaded. Without the mod active, start Skyrim, load your wife's save, then make a new save so that her's is the newest save, exit to desktop, activate the mod, load that new save, and see if the mod query pops up. Or ask Justinother.
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Hey, blove, I did try that and it didn't work. And I did try contacting Justin0ther, but message system gave me a message saying he couldn't receive any messages.


gsmanners, we checked her inventory, and no bag.


I'll probably have to break down and uninstall the mod and reinstall it and see if that helps. Maybe it just got screwed up on the install.

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  • 4 months later...
HI everyone. First, thanks to the author of this bag, great item. I know this is me, but I am having a hard time getting it installed. I looked at videos and such. I am running win 7 I can find skyrik in program files,, anyways, I was wondering if anyone had a link to some clear instructions as to how to get this in the game. I am really dense, so .........thanks.
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