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What would be your ideal RPG?


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I would love an RPG with no 'main' quest line, an immense open spherical world, both character customization and appearance changes (sort of like the first Fable with muscle, scars, weight and aging). The NPC's would dynamically react to your actions and there would be no dysfunctional conversations which pull you out of the game (Bethesda games have a lot of interaction like that :biggrin:) . To make it more in-depth you would have to draw maps or acquire them through traders or loot and night would actually be dark. You would need to sleep, eat and stay warm if you are in the far north. You could get employed, buy or build property and have pets. It would be a medieval fantasy with gritty and intense combat, but combat could be completely avoidable and there would never be a need to buy a weapon unless you wanted to. A real first person camera would be a must. Helmets would block vision and armor would make swimming much harder. There would be also LAN multiplayer and no quest markers.



It would be great if your character was more of a regular citizen doing their own thing in a world that doesn't revolve around them :happy: .


So much this!


Personally, while its true that Mount&Blade goes in that direction more than most other RPG's, to me, it gets really boring pretty quick.

This is mostly because the game pretty much resolves around fighting, even as a merchant (which I really cannot enjoy in this game) you're bound to have a fight against looters/robbers every now and then.

Basically, there's two ways to play the game.

  • Merchant
    You buy stuff for low and sell it for as much as you can, travelling across the land, fighting back criminals and becoming pretty rich.
  • Commander
    You roam around the land, fighting other commanders. Eventually, you'll become a noble which means that you'll fight against better commanders, fight in siege battles and sometimes wait by a village while your troops loot it, leaving you rich. You'll also gain ownership of villages, castles, towns which leaves you with more money and/or more troops.


I don't mean to say I think its a bad game.

I actually think its great as its something completly new and as the videogame industry lacks innovation far too often I find it great if some developers take the risk to do something thats never been done before.

Also, the battles are a lot of fun.


Its just that, to me, it seems like a mix between strategy and rpg with the result that its really neither rpg nor strategygame.


deff this :D.


i'd like to add something, to make people able to picture it skyrimish


Storyline choices: remeber the keep? remeber to choose stormcloak or legion to follow? i'd like that to be a definitive choice. no more returning on that choice, closure for the other storyline (like witcher 2, chosing squarrels (r so) or the army).

to pick back on the no main quest, i'd love to see the game 'pick' his dragonborn. say you can't slay the first dragon (whiterun was it not, when the dragons start to spawn?) in .... 5 mins, then the game picks a random npc to be dragonborn, which you could assist as companion, or live a merchant live, thieves life... you know, like normal live, but for once not YOU is living the epic story :D. of course your able to hear about the dragonborn stories :D.


distilling no main quest to me actually as multiple mains quest, but you choose yours, by ingame action.

say your no dragonborn and ye join the thieves guild, than reaching the top of the guild is your 'main' quest. these actions would also affect gameplay: NPC sees ye as a filthy thieve when yer caught and stuff.

ye rather chose the mage guild than other options are disabled, so you actually have to choose what ye wanna become. not like oblivion, where i was at the same time the listener, the gray fox, archmage AND fighter guild boss. fighter guild hates mage (HELLOO i'm ye frikking archenemie no??) and dispises thieves(??? i'm the fox!!). i understand that having to replay all that stuff again would possibly be annoying, but if ye had a set lenght to become what ye want, i think i'd dig it, like sid meiers pirates, wich i really loved playing (more then 20 times i reaches my retirement, abt 25 hours per game). it'd be a diffrent game every time ye play.


oh and of course it should save on ye profile every time you open main menu so you can't ever chicken out a decision and return on that choice :D.

Edited by diedalive
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There are many pros and cons on here so here's mine:


1. an amazing story line - I love the DA series, but there are so many loose ends its hard to see how they will resolve them all.


2. choices affecting the game, right wrong and neutral is all well and good, arguing with ones followers and companions all well and good but there should be other reactions also across the board


3. open world space is a must - as mentioned in 1. Iove Dragon Age however I felt limited in what I was able to do and where I could go, don't like restrictions.


4. I want to believe.... make it real.... make me want to be a part of it. For me Roleplaying is about losing myself in another time, place and the story should make me want to play, be a part of it, make things better or worse depending on my mood. My companions should make me want to be with them as much as they want to be with me or not. My companions should be able to choose whether they stay or go and if they come back because I right wrongs made previously say.


Gosh there is so much I could write an essay, but that's a start anyway..

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  • 2 weeks later...

On a related note, the vision document for Wasteland 2 looks promising. :dance:




RPG: RPGs haven’t kept pace with time - they've regressed and even worse, taken pride in less role-

playing than before. Important elements have been lost over time, sacrificed to technology, art

constraints, voice-over expenses, and multi-platform console constraints. Wasteland 2 has no such

limitations, it brings these RPG elements back, takes them out of the attic, and makes them part of

gameplay again.


True RPGs allow options, allow you to make fundamental choices in customization and character

creation, and most importantly, allow you to role-play and make your impact in a living world and see

the consequences around you.


And by consequence, we don't mean token one-node lip service, we mean reactions, even a chain of

reactions that builds over the course of the game. Even simple RPG elements such as the ability to write

your own character’s bio (frequently lost in the console generation), importing your own portraits of

your characters that you like better than what a developer gives you, to larger, more important goals

such as tactical combat and extended options to approach battles and fights.





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For me it would have to be Witcher 3: I've just looked at the 90 second "trailer" at the end of Witcher 2 Enhanced and it looks positively ridiculously awesome.


Also DA3: they've been looking at Skyrim and the Witcher to get some idea of what gamers really like, but as long as they don't muck about with the storyline, tie up all loose ends and remember continuity then I'll be happy.


Mind you all the big companies should really take a leaf out of CD Projekt's book and look at how they have just released a 10Gb DLC for those of us with the Witcher 1 and/or 2 and GIVEN us a FREE copy of the enhanced version. Couldn't believe it when it automatically updated it, and what an enhancement. A few little niggles like translations not fully completed and some dialogue options missing but hey who am I to complain after they gave me something for nothing. Loved it, loved it, loved it. Keep it up guys :D


In short anything with a "3" in it will suffice (and that includes Assassin's Creed lol) :wub:

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Why can't developers make their own games without looking into other developers? Stick to your vision, instead of copying other developers. My ideal RPG does not exist because there isn't one.
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My ideal RPG would be Skyrim without the anime type mods and people bringing in things from other games.

Keep a game lore friendly.

Yeah, I know, this is going to upset some people and they'll feel they'll have to comment on it.

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