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Sims 3 Modding?


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I honestly think the site for modding Sims sucks. No decent topics to post in, and it confused me just a bit. Not like home here on the Nexus :) I think Nexus should expand and take on Sims games :D


But I also had a preeeetty simple Sims 3 request if anyone plays it as well and wants to help me out a little bit. No expansions required to use the mod if anyone does it. :)


And being able to wear your hood up on the hat would be really legit. It was the best picture of someone wearing it like that, that i could find, sorry :l


Vans hoodie? Shoes? And Hat? This would be sweet!


Pictures in Le Comments :D Was being stupid :l

Edited by TheStoneSoldier
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Shoes exactly how they are, except instead of blue, white. and maybe a darker black.


Jacket a darker black to match shoes, and the logo should be white.


Hat should be the same, except the pink parts should be black to match jacket, and shoes.


Kid is the best picture I could find of someone who was wearing their hood like that.

Edited by TheStoneSoldier
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I honestly think the site for modding Sims sucks. No decent topics to post in, and it confused me just a bit. Not like home here on the Nexus :) I think Nexus should expand and take on Sims games :D

Might not want to do that. The Sims Resource has been known to wage war on their competitors. Not to mention with so many people charging for their mods, it just shapes up to be a huge drama-fest.

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