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Stereotypes in Men.. uncalled for or accurate?


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Well, I feel abit better reading this stuff to be honest, gonna apply some of what ive learned in class tomorrow if any of the more ruder girls in my class try to.. discredit me again, thankfully its only like 2 or 3 out of about 13 that are rude.
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Dweedle, I know what you mean. The way things are right now sucks for people of all genders, because the system still equates maleness with strength and femaleness with purity, and you have to go with one or the other in Western society.
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Well, I feel abit better reading this stuff to be honest, gonna apply some of what ive learned in class tomorrow if any of the more ruder girls in my class try to.. discredit me again, thankfully its only like 2 or 3 out of about 13 that are rude.


If you can then just treat the comment with the contempt it deserves, it may be a throwaway comment that she's forgotten about already. That said if it does escalate then it maybe it would be worth speaking to someone in authority, the odd comment is easy enough to dismiss but if becomes regular then it's not something you should have to put with.

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Well, I feel abit better reading this stuff to be honest, gonna apply some of what ive learned in class tomorrow if any of the more ruder girls in my class try to.. discredit me again, thankfully its only like 2 or 3 out of about 13 that are rude.


If you can then just treat the comment with the contempt it deserves, it may be a throwaway comment that she's forgotten about already. That said if it does escalate then it maybe it would be worth speaking to someone in authority, the odd comment is easy enough to dismiss but if becomes regular then it's not something you should have to put with.


Yeah, well its my 3rd week starting tomorrow so i'll see how it goes, hopefully it was just a joke that backfired, maybe I take myself too seriously

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You could take it a step further and say that male-stereotyping occurs every day.


How many times have you seen a commercial on TV in which the man of the house can't use an iron, or doesn't know how to fill a washing machine, or has no idea how to cook?


And yet males are expected to deal with it.


To counter Nintii - how is saying that you want a "real man" also not stereotyping and pidgeon-holing? What is a "real man"?


Interesting, isn't it?


Anyway...Dweedle, if she fires at you again, I'd be inclined to turn the tables and ask what makes her think that about you - does she know you to know this for certain, has she watched you to know your web habits? Put her on the spot and make her justiy her comment with solid evidence to back up her claim. Just be mindful to not be aggressive towards her if you do take this option. :whistling:

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Yikes, was going to put a picture of myself up on here but after seeing what I... look like currently.. I decided against it til I get me a more flattering photo without the uncombed hair and other hidious disgusting problems... like my currently.. poor taste in T Shirt... well I wasn't going out or anything! anyway I am rambling..


Anyway, im in a class with only female students.. im doing Computer & Business Admin... fancy for studying Secretary and PA work really..


Well, last week.. I got Stereotyped.. not in the good way where a lady would say "Oh god look at that handsome man" instead, when these girls(I consider anyone between 16 and 25 a girl) were talking about certain offensive material you can find on the internet and in other things I said "Yes I also think that stuff is disgusting" and before I finished some rude and loud girl yelled out to the whole class "Yeah right your a boy you do that all the time", naturally I bit my tongue since I didn't want to cause a scene after that insult.


But the point is, is wearing glasses and being abit... more larger than other people automatically.. in girls eyes, make you a pervert?


I'm starting to think this is true, but I sincerely hope it is not so, if theres any ladie's who are reading this please weigh in your thoughts, guys too, would love to see if anyone else has been stereotyped as well.


What's the world coming into? I thought boys were supposed to poke fun at girls (yet another stereotype). :unsure:


you can simply not even pay attention, these type of people get Really annoyed at ignorance. or you can Boooooo her, tell her how cold and unfunny she is and learn some sarcastic stand up comedy stereotype sh-t to retaliate, but then men can't really retaliate without being called chauvinist pigs, huh? :ermm: plus, Maybe she didn't mean a darn thing, for many reasons, bad time of the month, boyfriend breakup, bankruptcy, arrow in the knee, etc. etc. etc. etc. people can be d-cks (not in this case) and at the same time turn into angels. the world is one ----ing complicated place.


EDIT: the boys at the fire station are at the ready BTW.

Edited by Ihoe
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To counter Nintii - how is saying that you want a "real man" also not stereotyping and pidgeon-holing? What is a "real man"?



Well if you read between the lines, you should have picked up what I was saying but just in case you never, let me be a bit clearer ... I was talking about a guy who was "larger than average" if you get my drift ... and I'm not talking about being fat or over-weight either.

Now guys like this usually turn up and feel like THEY are the main event because of their "larger than averageness", and I'm saying that that isn't neccessarily so, they are "hugely" mistaken - pardon the pun ... and that my girlfriends and I have on dozens of occasions dumped their sorry behinds before they began ... because in most cases they flap

their jaw too much and it's as obvious as the nose on your face where they're coming from ... so it's toodles, bye bye ... I'm not interested.


Women are not stupid and don't go running after guys for the reasons that guys think we run after them ... I don't want to stereotype here so I'm going to say that some do but

MOST don't ... and if you do then as a woman then there's nothing wrong with it ... but for MOST of us our goals in relationships are different.

And also, that is not stereotyping either as I'm not saying that this applies to every such guy, but rather most "such guys".


Whether you believe me or not is neither here nor there for me ... that is simply experience talking ... it's not what you have but rather what you "know" to do with what you have.

And if you don't know that well then you have a lot to learn ... the best advice I can give to you as a guy on this subject is this: ...Be smart.

David never killed Goliath because he had a bigger sword, but because he knew what to do and how to use what he had ... savvy ?


You see what the incredibly surprising is, is that most such guys don't know what to do ... and it's really quite funny ... the whole porn thing is NOT what all women are looking

for ... so don't let the internet fool you.


Secondly, I'm saying that in a situation like that, a "real man" is one that will NOT feel he is the focus but that "we" are the focus.


Does that answer your question ?

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Well, I feel abit better reading this stuff to be honest, gonna apply some of what ive learned in class tomorrow if any of the more ruder girls in my class try to.. discredit me again, thankfully its only like 2 or 3 out of about 13 that are rude.


If you can then just treat the comment with the contempt it deserves, it may be a throwaway comment that she's forgotten about already. That said if it does escalate then it maybe it would be worth speaking to someone in authority, the odd comment is easy enough to dismiss but if becomes regular then it's not something you should have to put with.


Yeah, well its my 3rd week starting tomorrow so i'll see how it goes, hopefully it was just a joke that backfired, maybe I take myself too seriously



Dweedle, you shouldn't worry too much about what she said or what she is going to say in the coming days, weeks, semester...whatever the case. You have to be the one actually noticing, that such a meaningless and narrow minded stereotype, has to leave your mind almost instantly. You know yourself better then they do, so what she or others say, is irrelevant. You can't be sure about the accuracy.


Wherever a number is accurate or not depends on the group of individuals...and damn, males are everywhere and fashion different things. It's a bit of a problem here since this can happen daily and almost everywhere. So, just in case, prepare yourself for more.


It's sadly unavoidable.


You have no reason to put yourself into the statistics at all, especially if you know what kind of person you are.


Girls, females and woman thinking that they know everything about males is a myth, especially when they equalize stereotypes...oh and trust me, this happens more then you think it does.


Instead of blabbering nonsense, someone has to engage actively into the situation under given circumstances, making sure that it's not like the numbers are telling. That there are exceptions...more exceptions then you know and are aware of.


Sure, there's always a majority and they don't apply, but hey, that's irrelevant.


I also strongly advise to stay away from woman who think that they are the center of everything.

The possibility exists and it's more than obvious, that such individuals don't really know anything about males, at least not the exceptions...generally, most of the males get degraded like Jim said...could it be because of a bad experience? Because they lack words and/or ways to communicate with each other to avoid misunderstandings?

Could it be because they think that everything is revolving around them?

Not caring about anything else then themselves and how they should be treated? That's merely a selfish person, obviously. Incapable of putting things on a scale and making it equal, not realizing that there's much more behind a person then the look itself. It's a sad thing but hey...nobody's perfect.


Who knows...such individuals aren't really sure in what they want and even if they do, they are just as narrow minded as anyone else on such a matter.


Honestly, not much can be done about that, it's either on you, feeling and being humiliated from such stereotypes or the opposite...not care at all about what they are spewing about you.


I'd suggest the second, just avoid such people generally. If you can, that is.


Point is, stereotypes are everywhere and it's hard to root them out.

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I hate PC crap. $10 says that if you said anything about her as a woman, she'd instantly jump down your throat, calling you a misogynist and ranting about a horrible, sexist pervert you are. :wallbash:
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I hate PC crap. $10 says that if you said anything about her as a woman, she'd instantly jump down your throat, calling you a misogynist and ranting about a horrible, sexist pervert you are. :wallbash:


I have to agree, I made a joke about Women and Kitchens and my reward was a kick from the chatroom, ah well nevermind..


Strange thing happened today though, I helped this girl with understanding some of what our tutor taught us and it was like talking to a completely different person, so maybe my worrys were uncalled for.


also if anyones keen on wanting to know what the joke was then PM me, I doubt it was kick worthy, but mods, no matter where, seem to find a reason to kick the Dweedle... sigh..

Edited by Dweedle
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