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Druid: The Legend


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I Thought the modding community might like to know about a mod that has just now started, and if all goes well will be pleasing both asthetically, and in gameplay.





The current team consists of the following people and their positions within the team:


-Team Leaders-



-Team Members-



-Fire Master














Some of the members do what they can, but most of them are full time members.




Druid:The Legend is the first in a three part saga. Once you embark on your journey, you path will lead you to the deep caverns of the earth, to far away isles, and to places far above the world's surface. Along your way you will discover new weapons, creatures, magics, armours, and many more things that lay hidden. And like many classic rpg's depending on your actions, the mod can have multiple endings. To reach your destination, you will have to cross great seas, delve into dense forests, and wander through labrynth-like caverns. Clues and rumors will be your only guides as you seek out your goal. And only you can discover if the Druid's are a fact or merely a legend.....


RELEASE DATE: Around Christmas



The mod is currently in the design and concept stage, the pieces are being made, and the plans for those pieces as well. Soon we hope to have a site devoted to our mod, and until then, if it seems that people are interested in this mod, I'll post updates here. Also, we have a teaser mod, if any of you would like to test drive the thing, then here is the link http://dynamic5.gamespy.com/~chronicles/ya...ruid_Teaser.zip The mod has come a good long ways since the teaser, so don't base ur judgement of the mod off of that alone, it merely scratches the surface.


We also have our own forums, so check those out if ya can at- http://waveexistence.proboards19.com/index.cgi://http://dynamic5.gamespy.com/~chroni...9.com/index.cgi


That's all for now, hope some of you will take some interest in our mod.



-The Raven

aka Elrol-doin stuff

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's been quiet some time since I've posted here, since I last posted, we've gotten tons done, and I hope to have some stuff to put up here soon, we have a site that is almost fnished, and we have decided to do a TC. So we have a big job ahead of us, and hope that any interested in the mod will support us in any way they can.



-The Raven-silence is all around me, closing in.....

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

To anyone who cares, here's the address to our site.


And if your refering to that second picuture, it has nothing to do with the Druid's it has a deeper meaning within the mod, if you play it you'll figure out what the second pic actually means.


The Raven's Caw




The Raven-caw

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