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Won't go full screen for nothing :(


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I just built my new computer few days ago and when I went to play Skyrim there is nothing in this world that I am able to do to get it to full screen. No matter the resolution I set it to, it always starts as a little tiny small window in the corner of the screen, I can't even read the game properly.

I already tried going to skyrimprefs.ini and changing "bFull Screen=" to 1 instead of 0 and changing the X and Y resolution to whatever, did that on /mygames as well, changed to "read-only". My drivers are all up to date, Steam and the graphics card software. Even when I try to play in window mode that same size window still appears.

I tried to contact Bathesda but I am pretty sure they didn't even read my email because they sent me a totally random email back. So I am trusting you guys with this lol


I have a intel i7 2700k, Corsair XM3 16gb 1333mhz, Radeon HD 6950, Asus P8z68 v pro/gen3, and over 1.5tb of free space on my hard drive. So I know that is not the computer. It used to work fine on my old computer, had no issues with full screen at all.


Thank you!


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  • 4 weeks later...

I suggest you to use the "option" ingame to change the settings,see if the settings will stay or not.

I have the same problem,I can change the skyrimpref.ini through option,but that did nothing for me,I am not sure will this solve your problem.

(I have heard that use a new account may help,you may want to give it a try.)

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Have you tried Alt + Enter ? I've encountered this problem with some other games, and Alt + Enter fixed it. Don't know if it works with Skyrim though.

Alt + Enter is for making applications like games, go fullscreen or window mode, but u'll have to have window mode disabled in the Skyrim options.

(in case u've left it enabled from your tests).

Edited by dov7gr
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Make sure when your lauch skyrim (when you click on the shortcut to play Skyrim) when the box appear, choose option and in this windows, make sure the box "window" they are in the lower left, are not enable..., else if they are enable, you always start in windows mode and not full screen.
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  • 1 year later...

kanaizinha I feel for you man, but also feel for myself because you and me, we are on the exact same boat, in the shame shows wairing the same haircut :P I am so excited to start playing skyrim, but how can i play it on this little window in the left corner of the screen, how will I spoil the game for myself stuck with this, please guys try and find a solution for us, I am terribly desperate and would even 'reward' and deeply appreciate a solution here. I tried everything, I read so many similar threads. Its sort of depressing getting the same old methods I already tried so many times, I am just so frustraited =( Please, desperate last dying cry for help :(

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