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Scripting question using IsDead()


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convoluted workaround for scripts that receive actor events:

Instead of using IsDead(), try making a new bool variable and setting it in an OnDying() event.


I've had issues with OnDeath() events but OnDying() always fires in my experience.




bool ActorDead = False

Even OnDying(Actor akKiller)

 ActorDead = True ;you can now use <if ActorDead> instead of <if IsDead()>



Yeah, I'm using this workaround at the moment. I still need to add another event so if the player resurrects them, then the flag is set back to false the next time the player talks to them.


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Here's an example of how you would use IsDead:


Scriptname DA06GiantScript extends ReferenceAlias  

Quest Property DA06  Auto  

Event OnDeath (Actor Killer)

DA06QuestScript QuestScript = DA06 as DA06QuestScript

if Killer == Game.GetPlayer()
	if DA06.GetStage() == 100
		if Yamarz.GetActorReference().IsDead()	

QuestScript.GiantDead100 = 1
ReferenceAlias Property Yamarz  Auto  

Scene Property HammerGroveScene  Auto

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Here's an example of how you would use IsDead:


Scriptname DA06GiantScript extends ReferenceAlias  

Quest Property DA06  Auto  

Event OnDeath (Actor Killer)

DA06QuestScript QuestScript = DA06 as DA06QuestScript

if Killer == Game.GetPlayer()
	if DA06.GetStage() == 100
		if Yamarz.GetActorReference().IsDead()    

QuestScript.GiantDead100 = 1
ReferenceAlias Property Yamarz  Auto  

Scene Property HammerGroveScene  Auto




Thanks, I'll give that a try later.


EDIT: Well, that didn't work either..

Yamarz is an alias and GetActorReference() is suppsed to return an actor,

but when I tried it, it said it is not a funtion.


debug.messagebox("NPC isdead? = "+self.GetActorReference().isdead() )


I also tried this, same effect.


debug.messagebox("NPC isdead? = "+(self.getbaseobject() as Actor).GetActorReference().isdead() )




Well, I found part of the problem.


self.getbaseobject() returns the NPC's baseid




(self.getbaseobject() as Actor) returns none.


Sadly (self.getbaseobject() as Actor) is the only one that doesn't throw an error when I add .isdead()

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Just a question, are you attaching the script to the actor, or are you attaching it to a magic effect on the actor? Because if it's the latter, then "Self" would not return the actor the magic effect is on. Otherwise I have no idea what's going on.


I just tested the IsDead() function and it seems to work fine. I made a spell to test it (I usually do) and cast it on some NPCs before and after I killed them, and it worked just fine.



Scriptname fg109TestMEScript extends ActiveMagicEffect

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

if (akTarget.IsDead())
	Debug.Notification("I'm dead!")
	Debug.Notification("I'm not dead!")

float hp = akTarget.GetAV("health")

if (hp > 0)
	Debug.Notification("I should be alive! Current health is " + hp + ".")
	Debug.Notification("I should be dead! Current health is " + hp + ".")




If you are putting the script on an actor and IsDead() doesn't work, you could try using GetAV("health") as a workaround.

Edited by fg109
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bool function IsDead(Actor John) native


bool JohnIsDead = John.IsDead()


Since IsDead() will check for you as it is a predetermined function of papyrus then all you have to check if the created variable JohnIsDead as 1 or true or 0 or false. I'm not 100% with this as IsDead was used only for self and not an npc on the wiki.

Edited by ctzto
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Well, the script is attached directly to the npc so I have no clue why it won't work.


Both of these lines don't compile.


debug.messagebox("NPC isdead? = "+(self as Actor).isdead() )

debug.messagebox("NPC isdead? = "+self.isdead() )


I tried it your way, but once I have that bool, I can't get it to make a function call back to let the NPC know that it's dead (or store the variable).

The first script compiles fine, but the second part says : cannot cast a actor to a MyNPCscript, types are incompatible

I left out the part about ondeath cast spell on self.


--------------Script on the NPC-------------compiles fine---------

function amidead(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

debug.messagebox("Am I dead? = "+akTarget.isdead())




----------------Script on the magiceffect---------------doesn't compile----------

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

if (akTarget.IsDead())

npcdead = true

(akCaster as MyNPCscript).amidead(akTarget,akCaster)






EDIT: Ok, I figured it out, my problem is that I took the default setting when adding a script.


The default when adding a script to an NPC is ObjectReference


Scriptname MyNPCscript extends ObjectReference


Instead, it should be Actor


Scriptname MyNPCscript extends Actor


Now everything works fine.

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