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Vertibird actor teleports player to interior cell in door gunner position, Vertibird playerhome


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Hi, im new in creation kit and im trying to make that a vertibird actor teleports the player to an interior cel, i managed to get the teleport working but the player ends up stuck in gunner position floating in the middle of nothing,


is an interior cel with some sort of skybox that i reverse engineer form another mod, in the distance you can bearly see the vertibird model where the xmarker is, but i end up floating above the vertibird actor location inside this skybox stucked in the gunner position.


heres the code


Scriptname CruiseMode extends Actor
ObjectReference Property HomeMarker Auto Const
Event OnActivate (ObjectReference akActionRef)
ive tried block activation and setdestroyed none of them seem to prevent the we could say mounting animation
any ideas?, please help
sorry for my bad english.


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There's a Vertibird that is just a door, none of the actor Vertibird stuff. What about using that instead?


Otherwise, you'll have to call to exit the minigun idle somehow...or Kill the Vertibird.

i know about the verti bird door, but i want to use the actor because is a vertibird you can call and use as transport, but i want to add in a menu that pops up when you talk to it asking the player if you want to ride it or if you want to enter the interior cel. so you know a way to call exit minigun idle or kill the vertibird for that instance of code, or any other way to activate this menu without activating the vertibird, ill try it.


thanks for responding

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Could do a perk with an entry point add an activate choice to the actor.

Like "E to ride" is always there, but can add "R to do something else".


Would need a perk with a small bit of scripting and then a tiny quest to give the player the hidden perk.


I'm not sure I remember how to set it up the quest and perk fragment though, as last time I had to have someone remind me, hah. =P

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