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Can't get sound in papyrus to work


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:/ I've been using the UISKillPerkSelectA, which is a vanilla sound...but I'll try another one


Edit: Yeah...it just doesn't want to work...at least it's not a required part of the script but I hate that I can't use it.

Edited by 6Domino6
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Well, just one possibility sprung to mind.

Are you testing this with a clean save?


If you're running from a save where you already had the book, and then later added the sound property, it may not be set.

If that's the case,


- run from a save before you added the mod. (or save a new savefile with your mod uninstalled)

OR try giving yourself a new book at the console.

- Get the base ID, and then 'player.removeitem yourhexid 1' player.additem yourhexid 1'

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Just tried it on a book that I've added since my original testing save was created. Still doesn't work with learned.play(self) but like always the rest of it works lol...but I think it's time to accept that it isn't going to happen for the moment and just work on adding the rest of the books. If I find a way to make it work I'll just amend it later...255 scripts is a lot to change but I'd rather do that than continue to look for ways to make it work if it's not a required part of the mod.


Thank you for your help :)

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I've been strugging with the exact same problem. It will work if you create a new Sound Marker Object (duplicate the UISkillsPerkSelectA), and in the dropdown box of the Sound Marker Object select UISkillsPerkSelect2D. Set this new Sound Marker Object as your sound property value.


The existing Sound Marker Objects, UISkillsPerkSelectA and UISkillsPerkSelectB, are connected to UISkillsPerkSelectASD and UISkillsPerkSelectBSD and they don't give any sound. But the UISkillsPerkSelect2D is probably the sound you want.

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I don't know if it will work but try this:


Learned.play(Game.GetPlayer() as ObjectReference)




Also in the code snippet you wrote that it didn't work with "Game.GetPlayer()" you wrote "Learned" small ( "learned" ).

I don't know if this is case sensitive ... if it were it probably wouldn't even compile ... but still XD.

Edited by Grasmann
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