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New landmasses questions

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I'd like to include a new island in a mod I'm working on. It'll be relatively large (About 1.5x the size of Cranberry Island in Far Harbor). Is there anything I should know when creating it? LOD, weather, or anything to do with boundaries and cells is mostly what I need help with. I'm not sure if I can just create a new island and call it a day (I know the world map won't change, and I know about landscape texture limits).

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I can remind you (because it seems like a lot of us forget the functionality and how useful it came be, even myself) of using Region Editor to place your environmental stuff (e.g.: trees, rocks, shrubs, etc). Can be very useful.


Otherwise, it sounds like you *know* about or *are aware* of the other stuff, at least. I mean it'll all be a bit different depending on *your* land, but you already make mention of the difficult things I can think of off the top of my head. It'll all be situational so can't draw you a straight line, but as long as your aware that you'll need to deal with them eventually you'll be one up on most.


Ooo, one cool thing Ibalways forget to do is the waves hitting the shore/rocks/cliffs, those are fun and often forgotten about.

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Hmm, few other things with an island.


Use those Distant Clouds, great effects. Remember to raise them a bit higher than you might expect, otherwise they might seem as if *in* the water. Takes a bit of trial and error.


Give yourself ample water surrounding the island. It'll make your LOD and overall mod size bigger, but it will help with wiews.

Mer, I'm not explaining that well...umm, so if you cut off your cells too close to the island, it will be very easy to see. The water will be too easy to just see it stop instead of like fading off unto the horizon.

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i can advice an trick with LODs, if u'll bored to crush ur brain with it

use fo4edit

1. disable any 'specific LOD textures' of any static objects u want to see from distance.

2. delete any markers from it (such as 'view from distance' etc.)

3. add 'persistent' and 'IsFullLod' markers

so, if you know how to 'batch' in fo4edit it will take about half hour to make lods for thousands objects.




also if u want cool detailed map for ur world, with any object's (cars, houses, trees, rocks, roads etc.) use 'generate local maps' in ck

it's pretty easy and pretty cool thing ;)

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@JagMaker, zilav is absolutely right. IsFullLOD flag is good to use on one or a couple of objects you want to be seen from the distance, that don't have a LOD model. It is not meant to be ticked on every single object in the world. Bethesda's LOD – is the game system implemented to handle display over distance.

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well, let us have our own truth)
in all the locations that I did there were no problems with this
here you can see Manchester, whose hundreds walls have Full LOD, also trees, another houses..
do not believe stereotypes)


test at my 8gb ram with 1gb ATI videocard laptop)

Edited by JagMaker
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Oh a Cargo Cultist,


Well if you play with a full fledge PC top model with i7 or better and a GTX1080 or two, you can push limits long, long away locally, unless you want others to be able to play your stuff that is not so graced to play with top grade computers!


What zilav says is not about personal truth or what you personally "found" out by tampering with CK, it's about facts. And in that case I stay with zilav and a lot of other long time more trustworthy sources of reliable facts proven by test examples re-playable.

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