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7 Days To Die

Tips for how to get started making mods?


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That is a very generalized question. There are many different aspects to creating mods. The easiest by far that doesn't require much in the way of knowledge or tools is by simply modifying the XML files using Notepad (or Notepad++ which is my preferred text editor)


In the early days of modding, I typically modded my server to add additional crops and storage but now I'm fairly happy with the vanilla experience so I have not been making my own mods lately.


Things have changed however that make modding even easier now due to inheritance. You can create a new item by setting all of its attributes by letting it inherit them from a similar object and only change the bits that you want changed.


Editing XML files allows you to do a great many things and in such a way that installed on a dedicated server, won't require people (clients) that connect to also install mods on their PC. This is server-side modding only which is the easiest to maintain and allow the least hassle for clients to connect and play.


You can change the hue (color) of an existing object icon using just XML to make new items stick out a bit more without actually requiring graphics to be installed on the client...for example, you can create a new farming item...an apple. While creating this entry in XML, you can reference a similar-looking icon that already exists and set its color. For example, you could use the potato icon and set its color to look red. Not perfect but it won't require clients to install any mods for it.


Mods that add new models or graphics to the game will require all clients to install this mod as well as the server. I have always tried to stay away from this scenario mainly because it was a pain getting people to update their client correctly and have it not affect them connecting to other servers they frequent.


If there is an existing mod similar to what you want to accomplish...download it, open it up and see what makes it tick. See how others have done it. This is especially helpful when there are very few documents floating around on how to mod the game.



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