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Female Mannequins for SSE


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I started to work on a female mannequins mod that allows you to change them so they can equip Female armor. I have it working but every time I change there gender the head stays the same as the previous one. I think this has something to do with the code and would like some help. I'm new to modding the Skyrim code.

Edited by Fireking10
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You need to change the gender on the mannequin actor record from male to female in order to have all mannequins to automatically be female.


If you want to do it in game where you can switch between male and female at will without the head remaining that of the original gender, then you'll need to create a female mannequin actor and place an instance of it in the same spot with its own container and/or activator links. You'd either need an activator somewhere to change all mannequins between male and female or use the message box system on the mannequin's activator to switch gender or access inventory. You'd be using Enable and Disable as necessary so that the male would hide and the female appear or vice versa.


Whether you change the actor record to be female or create a new actor record, you will need to have a body and head for the female mannequin. Original Skyrim female mannequin mods simply used the default female body with whatever head they wanted. Eventually a wood grain texture female mannequin was made available. I recommend looking at some of the original Skyrim mannequin mods to see how they did them.

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