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Dialog Text not always showing


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I have always tried to avoid NPC to NPC dialog scripting, but I am doing a mod right now that is requiring a lot of it.


[i don't have problems doing the dialog, this is not about that.]


What I have noticed is that the dialog text is not dependable. I mean sometimes the dialog shows up on the screen to be read, and sometimes the NPC's just talk but I do not get the Text.


and yes I have





set in the INI file.


Has anyone else ran into this problem, and found a fix.

I actually need the text to be visible, "sayto" command is not and option as "sayto" does not freeze the NPC's in one spot, and the dialog just does not look right done in that way.


No I need to use the "startconversation" command which just works, it will snag an NPC even if they are running, and looks better for what I am trying to do.


But as I want clue's and investigative info to be read in these dialogs by the Player. It has to be visible, and right now sometimes it is, and sometimes it is not.


That is my problem, I have been searching the web, but mostly not finding anything on this subject.


Would appreciate any help that you all might have.

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I believe it has to do whether or not your character is facing the NPC when they first start talking (or maybe that only has to do with whether or not their lips move).
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Thx you for answering, but I knew to be close and facing, and have implemented things to make sure this is so.


No it is something spurious, that I am not seeing, If I save before the dialog, most normally upon restarting the game and reloading the conversation dialog is viewable, but even this is not always the case.


It is just troubling, I wish that OBSE would make a forces text function for conversation, as is used in "sayto" command (where adding the flag 1 would make the topic visible over long distances) .


That would actually be very helpful to be able to force a conversation to be heard or read over long distances when it was needed in a mod, there are many times when I would very much like to have this ability in conversations.

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