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Oblivion crashes when loading save in another location


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I am experience a strange problem: certain specific mods cause the game to crash when I am loading save in another location; i.e. if I travel from Imperial City to Chorrol and then try to load my save where I am back in IC, the game will crash. Likewise, the game crashes when I attempt to exit to main menu.


So far, Iliana’s Elsweyr mod and Kafana’s The Golden Crest mod both cause this problem. I suspect that the problem is related to mods adding new territories into the game, but I have no idea why it happens.


I have tried installing these mods to completely unmodded Oblivion on a different PC, and the problem persists, so it can’t be conflict with some other mod or my hardware.


If anyone has any idea what the problem could be and/or how I can attempt to solve it, any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1. The crashes happen with both quicksaves and regular saves.


2. As I explained, exiting to main menu results in Obivion crashing as well.


3. Technically, I can quit Oblivion (though it crashes when I quit to desktop as well) every time I need to load a saved game, but it makes loading games take painfully long.

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As a test try a new character (if you have a save from just before exiting the sewer it's a lot easier). Don't use quicksave on that character (only use the save from the Esc menu or named saves using the console). Use the same load list for mods and see if the same problem develops. Granted, if the problem only surfaces after a lot of hours of gameplay this won't be a viable alternative. Something that I use to keep two separate character's load lists and save games separate is Multiple Oblivion Manager - MOM, easy to install and a cinch to use.
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Thank you for your reply, Striker.


I tried testing it with a new character, but I still experience the same problem and it surfaces as soon as starting dungeon: leaving one dungeon cell (i.e. when there is a loading screen) and then trying to load a savegame in a previous cell results in a crash.


My only idea is that this problem may be because of my old copy of Oblivion, which I bought it way back shortly after it was first released, although I *do* have the latest patch installed. Or perhaps my lack of Shivering Isles (although Elsweyr mod's description makes no mention of it requiring SI, and in fact, the mod itself works perfectly well aside from causing crashing on loading games).

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I tend to think the fact your game disk is an old original version shouldn't be the issue, providing it can be read without errors when you install the game. Beyond the disk check when you start the game it isn't involved in your on-going gameplay. My current setup is from an original version disk patched to version 1.2.0416. I patched before I found out that you can't install SI after patching (because it requires a different patch to get to version 1.2.0416) so I've had to pass on mods that require SI. I always say one of these days I'll re-install the game along with SI and then get it patched up, but 'one of these days' is a day like tomorrow ... it never gets here.


If you have IDed which current mods cause the problem you're at least a bit ahead of the curve.

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Well, as far as I can tell, the problem is caused by mods that add new landmasses, like Elsweyr and The Golden Crest.


For what it’s worth, I have recently tried installing another large mod – The Lost Spires, which I was almost certain would cause the same problem. But it didn’t.


My PC is reasonably good, even if I do say so myself, so I don’t think it is a problem related to my PC (doesn’t look like that anyway). So, I am kind of at loss what cause this problem, especially since no one else seems to have this kind of problem with these mods.


(In case if it *is* a problem with my version of the game, I currently have 5th Anniversary Edition ordered – I meant to acquire SI sometime anyway, and if it solves my problem with landmass mods, it’s all the better. But I find it doubtful that somehow my specific version of the game causes a very specific problem with very specific mods >.> )

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