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made dungeon, need help with Spider, dropping through floor


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Ive made a dungeon and decided to put a spider in. i copied a spider with a trigger box and a sleep box where the spider drops from the ceiling or wall when you step inside the trigger.


when i set the trigger off and they drop it just drops through the floor, i have navmesh down and its finalised but cannot get the thing to drop onto the ground.


what is happening?

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In the CK load up the area and press F4 to turn on display colision info, you should gat some black lines drawn at the edges of the collision layer triangles. If there aren't any on the floor section then it doesn't have a collision layer. Some bits don't.
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thanks for the reply, didnt think anyone would, i will have a look at collisions, maybe i can put a flat collision plane down. the floor it drops on is walkable by other NPCs. its just the spiders that drop down, they shoot straight through, and 1 sorta hits the floor, struggles and sinks in like quicksand, sometimes it pops back out and sometimes not, its getting me frustrated
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If other things walk on it then it must have a collision layer. Is the spider dropping from the ceiling a monster specific animation? If so the animation may be forcing it through the floor 'cause the end point is beneath it, in which case you will have to move the spiders start point upward.
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If other things walk on it then it must have a collision layer. Is the spider dropping from the ceiling a monster specific animation? If so the animation may be forcing it through the floor 'cause the end point is beneath it, in which case you will have to move the spiders start point upward.


i put a collision plane down and it works with 2 of them, but the main big spider still goes through the floor, they all have the end points lower than the floor, ive even moved the last one, put another plane down and it still does it.


ill try raising the end point but that spider dropping ambush doesnt shorten in length very well, you can only shrink it so its tiny but still very long.


funny thing is they all worked correctly till i decided to change them around. its odd CK, very temperamental, one minute it does things and the next game test it doesnt, i dont even think theyr triggering correctly now, they all come down at once instead of hitting 3 different triggers

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if you dont shrink the start point will be above ceiling.


moved end point above the ground. still just drops through the floor, even through the collision plane. deleted it, ive got 2 dropping spiders working anyway, they trigger incorrectly now but im not touching them again in case it messes up.


all i wanted was a great effect of spiders climbing down the wall 1 by 1 as you walked towards the treasure chest in the room

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