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Summon new NPCs query - no zombie noise


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Hi all - been playing with the creation kit for a while and have been trying to create a spell/power that allows you to summon angels to fight for you - the issue is I can create the new NPC angels, and can create spells to conjure them, however the engine seems to treat any NPC that is summoned as being a zmobie which means they always go 'UhhhUhhhhUHHHHHuhhhhUUHhhhhh' which is kinda annoying.


Has anyone found a way to summon an NPC which bypasses this zombie type stuff? I would be happy enough if they were silent :tongue:


Any help appreciated.

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Well, summoned atronachs and dremora lords and familiars and shades all don't do that. I'd take a look at them for inspiration. I'd think the dremora lord in particular should be a good base for you to use -- he not only doesn't moan all the time, but says things that are decidedly non-moan-like!


How did you create your angel NPCs? Did you by any chance clone an existing NPC that makes such sounds? Or give it a voice called something like "ZombieVoiceLotsOfMoaning"?

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Yeah tried all the usual stuff at least that I can think of - looked at Dremoras (have their own voice), DB Ghost assassin (again own voice) - cloned what I could from the DB spectral assassin but still no joy so far - it appears that if a humanoid race then if summonable the engine considers it to be a zombie (zombie/revenant spell code at work I assume) - just wondering if anyone has managed to find a workaround? (Tried no voice at all, but still goes UhhUhhhhuHhhh)
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