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Enemies Spawn on Travel and Files Errors/Corrupted


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I recently started having issues (seemingly) after I installed the Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds 1_0_1 Full Version, with the Nexus Download Manager. I already have Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons, installed and when I went to install Wilds I told me there was a new version of Wilds and it turned off Dungeons.


Since then, when I load a save or try to continue it tells me that the save file uses items that are no longer available, and asks to continue anyway, yes or no? Then, when I fast travel, I spawn in the middle of a huge fight among bandits, witches, drauger, forsworn, etc... no matter where I go on the map.

Also when I click save files to load, the screenshots wont come up and it will tell me the save file is corrupted and cannot be used. If I exit the load screen and come back, sometimes this message will not come up and the game will load fine.


All of that happens even after I have uninstalled all my mods with the mod manager....even when I load game saves from before I Installed any mods.


I am no longer sure if this has to do specifically with the Sounds of Skyrim mods or not. I have tried some HD texture mods, but I removed them after they caused my screen to freak out. Even after that, I didnt have all these game save issues right away, only noticed them a day or two later upon messing with the SoS mods....


I have never installed mods manually before and dont really know what to do here to get my game back to normal. Any help wpuld be appreciated

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I have a similar problem, and I have never installed the mod you mentioned (I do have a couple other mods installed).


It started with wolves that would appear and just stand there, even when I fast travel to Whiterun or Riften.


Most recently when fast travelling to Whiterun, a couple of Frost Spiders appeared and ate some of the townies (poor Belethor).


It's not limited to Whiterun, but wolves and spiders in Whiterun are my inidcator that something just ain't right.


My current theory is that it's a glitch caused by constantly animating the dead, and then killing them for a second time (I have issues, I knoa). I've played a number of variations of characters, and this is the variation that seems to have caused this glitch.


I wish I could fix it. It's annoying to know that I can't fast travel to a town without jeopardizing the lives of people I simply want to rob =(

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Lol ( it's a real surprise how much posts I'm beginning with this phrase XD )


I got a similar issue sometimes, but for me there are spawning dead bodies.

Sometimes there are spawning some loose bones from a skeleton, sometimes a dead skeever.

I once had a mammoth spawn in front of a ruin I fast traveled to, and it fell down the mountain ... that looked rather funny.


I never had any living creatures spawn with me. Maybe there's a connection to reanimating them, and if you wouldn't do it

there would just spawn dead bodies lol.


But the issue in general somehow seems normal. At least in a weakened form.

Edited by Grasmann
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So I thought I would just confirm the issue with animating corpses and killing them again. A unique monster that I had resurrected and killed again appeared at my fast travel destination.


I just fast travelled to Dawnstar, and was immediately attacked by Nimhe and 6 Falmer. What a mess.


I felt so bad for the Khajit caravan they wiped out that I resurrected them.


Side note: I can't confirm this is actually the cause, especially for anyone else, but the symptoms seem to indicate this is a high probability.

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I recently started having issues (seemingly) after I installed the Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds 1_0_1 Full Version, with the Nexus Download Manager. I already have Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons, installed and when I went to install Wilds I told me there was a new version of Wilds and it turned off Dungeons.


Since then, when I load a save or try to continue it tells me that the save file uses items that are no longer available, and asks to continue anyway, yes or no? Then, when I fast travel, I spawn in the middle of a huge fight among bandits, witches, drauger, forsworn, etc... no matter where I go on the map.

Also when I click save files to load, the screenshots wont come up and it will tell me the save file is corrupted and cannot be used. If I exit the load screen and come back, sometimes this message will not come up and the game will load fine.


All of that happens even after I have uninstalled all my mods with the mod manager....even when I load game saves from before I Installed any mods.



I have had almost EXACTLY the same problem as the original poster. I also installed and then uninstalled Sounds of Skyrim Wilds and Dungeons, and when NMM refused to install them both at the same time I just uninstalled both. I also have a huge fight spawn next to me - bandits, mages (necros), Draugr and Falmers. However, in my case it is only after I fast travel that they appear - and only after the 1st fast travel. Then, if I continue to fast travel about every 3rd time it spawns another mob next to me. The next one in the order is a lone group of Falmers. It does not matter what my fast travel destination is, these things appear even in towns. One odd thing is that it only happens with my 32 lvl character, if I load a 1st lvl then fast traveling is normal. All of these things happen regardless of what save I load, and even when no mods are installed.


I'm going to look at the detailed files of the Sounds of Skyrim and see what is going on...

Edited by mormegil27
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I tried removing all mods and verified game cache in Steam... this did not work. The mob still appears after fast travel. In addition, now the game also freezes on trying to exit to desktop.


After clean install, the mobs continue to spawn after fast travel. Thus it seems there can only be two solutions:


(1) There is some setting in the .ini files that causes them to spawn.


(2) The bug is part of Bethesda's patch, most likely This patch was performed on 2/28/12, but I had not played the game since 2/26/12. But if it is part of the real game, why haven't other people experienced this problem more often?

Edited by mormegil27
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same here, wolves, foxes, a frost troll, a random horse from the stables...at some point a frost dragon appeared out of nowhere. the worst part is, some of those things are immortal. they act essential and I have to console-command disable them. with foxes, horses and wolves, it sometimes happens even when riding somewhere. I just have to cound to twenty and bang.
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when using nmm, if you install an addon or a simple update nmm will ask you if you want to replace the "old" mod with the new one, clicking no will install the addon normally. it took me a few tries to figure that one out.
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