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More Armor for male characters please


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Not everyone plays a 90lb. female elf. Modders please make some male armors that do not show genitalia. Being perverted and creative do not always have to go hand in hand. Please and thank you.

TY for this post i am really getting sick of the perverted modders.


DO you guys play to get a hard on?? if so you need to get out more Lol

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Yeah calling us modders perverts will really rally people to your cause, your very best bet to get the armor you want is to start making it yourself people do not like hearing that but its the truth.


Personally I am pleased to see so much naked male armors around, I mean you never saw that in the older games it makes me happy to see equality.

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I don't use skimpy meshes or anything like that, because I feel they're not immersive enough. To call their talented creators (they are great models, after all) perverted is just... Silly. I like to think all those people who like and use skimpy meshes moon their enemies to death =D It worked for William Wallace... a bit.
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I am not using the skimpy armor also but i use fan maded (not skimpy) armor and they are beautiful i think its a little offensive what you have write, respect the other's work, and as ever if you dont like it don't download it :) Edited by yota71
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Not everyone plays a 90lb. female elf. Modders please make some male armors that do not show genitalia. Being perverted and creative do not always have to go hand in hand. Please and thank you.

TY for this post i am really getting sick of the perverted modders.


DO you guys play to get a hard on?? if so you need to get out more Lol

A warning, cheap shots and insults will get you bounced off this family of sites.


Just a warning this time, you may not get another.



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Sorry for Offtopic, but i cant see the insult when somebody says his opinion about modders by calling them perverted and the like? This is not even approximately an insult. Its like calling someone to be crazy, it can also be understood in two ways but never really is an insult. Freedom of opinion isnt supported on this sites it seems (and i am not talking of freedom of insulting.. ). Dont understand me wrong, i really like the Nexus sites and i was thinking of supporting you guys. But i wont support anything, if i always have to be over-cautious with what i am saying. What happened to the guy above me might happen to me as well, and i wouldnt like to get banned after i supported you just for saying my opinion direclty instead of beautifying it like i do when i talk to my little sister. So when harmless talking is set apart from real insults, then i will think about it again. :wink: Edited by Albazo
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Calling someone "perverted" is issuing a deliberate insult. Period.

You are welcome to your opinions, but expressing them here is a privilege, not a right.


See the Terms of Service (link in the top-right of every page) and the site owner's policies on Forum content: All newbies read this before posting.


If you believe you'll be unable to refrain from insulting others... then you are correct to fear being banned. :armscrossed:

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Yeah calling us modders perverts will really rally people to your cause, your very best bet to get the armor you want is to start making it yourself people do not like hearing that but its the truth.


Personally I am pleased to see so much naked male armors around, I mean you never saw that in the older games it makes me happy to see equality.



He wasn't calling all modders perverts... just the perverted ones. You got really defensive there buddy.


How about not fanning the flames?

Without this follow-up post your previous post was an absolutely civilized request for lore-friendly mods (whatever your definition or lore-friendly may be).

This post just raises the suspicion that from the cover of a valid request you just want to take pot shots at the makers of non-lore-friendly stuff.

Continue to post in this manner and your topic will be locked.


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