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Need help, im at my wits end.


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That's the best thing to hear, it is much more frustrating to work with people that install multiple huge mods at once and then come back with "WTF OBLIVION WONT WORK!!!" (Nooo, you think?!) Anyway, aside from my rantings, I really think it has to do with your gigantic amount of mods loading at once. I'm not sure if it is one of those times you can recover from and go back to a semi-stable state or not. I know what I'm suggesting is practically heresy, but you may have to do bben's reinstall procedure and then get mods brand new (trying to cut down on the clutter from the old install). That would certainly help with your issues, but, needless to say, it is a last resort plan.


Yeah no kidding, i hope i can keep the characters i have because i have spent some time on optimal leveling them and i would really hate to see them go, but they may already be corrupted so hell if i know, i just tried using BOSS to rearrange the load order and i didn't get an error in a place i always used to so i may just have to clean the edits, ill have to look into that also, i have no idea how to do such thing but I'm hoping the tutorial isn't all that convoluted, and fix the warning i had, ill delete the mods I'm not using, i just have them there hanging around in my data folder doing nothing but taking up space and hopefully ill be able to play oblivion normally.


About programs running in the background the only ones I often use are ventrilo, firefox to check on stuff and iTunes, the Antivirus is usually disabled when i play something so i doubt that could be it, but i do tend to alt-tab a lot to read some mod instructions and whatnot, so I have to find another way to do that.

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To add to kingtitan's advice, be aware that there are a few mods that require dirty edits to work correctly (an example is Xtudo's Personality Idles - Modified version - NPCs and companions if I recall correctly). Best course is to make a backup of your esps and then clean one at a time.


Back when I first started out I was a big time user of quicksave and quickload. Not too long after I started using CM Partners I entered the 'crash-a-lot' club. I still play that same character, with saves that have those saves in their past. It took a long time of good saving habits, exiting to the desktop before loading a save and leaving the CM Partners behind in my houses or 'appropriated' properties (they do know how to trash a place) before that character's saves became acceptably stable (which I define as between one and two hours between saves, exit to desktop and reload every three hours and only CTD perhaps one every two or three play sessions of 8 hours or more ... usually when I've exceeded the three hours without exiting and reloading). That character has well over 1300 hours. Granted the mod list is modest compared to yours, and doesn't include any of the big overhauls. I have seen others who get good results even with those mods and extensive load lists though.


@ kingtitan ... I use Kaspersky Internet Security, have game mode turned on and yet it still does updates while I'm playing. Sometimes it causes problems, sometimes not so bad (depending on what is happening in the game at the time). I guess the only alternative would be disconnect from the internet and disable it completely. Or live with it. Now to fully hijack the thread, how'd you make out on the NPC packages?

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To add to kingtitan's advice, be aware that there are a few mods that require dirty edits to work correctly (an example is Xtudo's Personality Idles - Modified version - NPCs and companions if I recall correctly). Best course is to make a backup of your esps and then clean one at a time.


I was looking through the BOSS list and the only mod it said that had dirty edits but not to clean them was ArmamentariumArtifacts, i also have CM partners installed and it said it had dirty edits but nothing about not cleaning them, might as well try it like that, just have to learn how to clean them though.

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@ kingtitan ... I use Kaspersky Internet Security, have game mode turned on and yet it still does updates while I'm playing. Sometimes it causes problems, sometimes not so bad (depending on what is happening in the game at the time). I guess the only alternative would be disconnect from the internet and disable it completely. Or live with it. Now to fully hijack the thread, how'd you make out on the NPC packages?


So that we don't hijack the thread unintentionally, I'll post a more in-depth response on the thread!


@keitarou- Are you familiar with TES4Edit?

Edited by kingtitan
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Well, in that case, get ready to get pretty familiar ;)


Let's start with TES4Edit. Have you found it on the Nexus yet? Pretty simple find, if you for some reason can't then I can provide you with a link if necessary.


Although I have never had to use this program for cleaning dirty mods, that is one of it's many functions. Perhaps someone following this thread can provide a bit more proper insight into cleaning dirty mods (such as striker)

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Ha ... I'm Mr Advice Without Ever Using. I'm also Mr. Links-a-lot ... TES4Edit Cleaning Guide and Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide.


On a side note, I really really wish I could get wrye bash up and running again on my comp :( I have no doubt I have some dirty edits hiding in the shadows myself!


Wrye quit working for me about a month ago (standalone version, worked fine for quite awhile). I pulled out way too much hair trying to get it to work again!

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A road I've not trod myself (I'm also Mr. Manual Install, and proud of it Nephenee13). That's who I consider as the up and coming Wrye Bash expert (oh Hickory, where have you gone old buddy??).
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Ha ... I'm Mr Advice Without Ever Using. I'm also Mr. Links-a-lot ... TES4Edit Cleaning Guide and Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide.


On a side note, I really really wish I could get wrye bash up and running again on my comp :( I have no doubt I have some dirty edits hiding in the shadows myself!


Wrye quit working for me about a month ago (standalone version, worked fine for quite awhile). I pulled out way too much hair trying to get it to work again!


Go ask for help in the Wrye Bash thread on the Bethsoft forums.

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