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Crashing when trying to equip steel armor?


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This started out of the blue. I hadn't installed any new mod for days but all of the sudden I started crashing as soon as I would try to equip Steel Armor. I know that it would be hard to see what could be causing this unless I post a list of my mods, but if you know anything at all that might be causing this then I would be grateful if you told me.


And the only mod I have for steel armor is Remeshed Female Steel Armor, but I've never had a problem with it in the past.

Edited by Vhearhok
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Is there a file/folder in your Skyrim folder?


Like ...Skyrim\data\meshes\armor\steel\...

or ... Skyrim\data\textures\armor\steel\...


It this is the case i would try to delete those steel folders, that means that you used corrupt modded versions (that often ends in a crash)- when they are gone the game takes the data from its own archives again.



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  • 1 year later...

I'm having the same problem, when i equip the steel armor frm the items it Crashes n returns to desktop.. im sure that i have also installed a corrupted mod.. i even tried after deleting those 2 steel folders but it didn't work :( i dont know what to do.. is there any other solution Ghosu?

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