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Which Daedric Realm Would You Like To Visit?


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Nocturnal's realm, Evergloam. From what I can tell, there is even a supposed portal leading there in-game in Skyrim (I don't know if it works; I've never been where it is, but it would be a very lore-friendly way of adding such a realm to the game).
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Hircines Hunting Realm would be a lively place, especially if some of the werbeasts that went there managed to make their own villages or even rebel against Hircine. Perhaps we could take the place of Hircine if we defeat him in single combat?


I can't think of very many others, though Azura's Realm would look lovely. A trip to Boethia's Realm could get us into a cross-plane tournament in one of his Arena's and I have heard his/her realm does have cities.

Edited by CyrusAmell
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For all Hircine lovers.


Your character WAS in Hircine's Hunting Grounds! It was in the Battlespire, 3rd or 4th episode, don't remember for sure, sorry. Daedric hunters chasing you, charming seducer watcher floating in the air at the entrance and explaining you the rules (in verses), mad search for the artificial spear - the only way to kill the chief hunter, ferocious battle in the end and so on.


Despite all the disadvantages, Battlespire was great! You had an ability to talk to ANYONE there, even to that monstry spider daedra (combat chat lover, actually), or some atronach (fire and frost ones really hated each other).


I would like to visit Ten Moonshadows of Meridia. I like the name, and Meridia, too. She despises the undead just as me. HATE that teethy draugr deathlord face when he tries to hack my girl to pieces!

Edited by landy8
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