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SKSE64 Alpha What will work now


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The worst that can happen is topics like this spreading missinformation that shiz is working from clueless people


IanPatt has already stated that the ALPHA is only for mod authors to test




And requested feedback from people with experience of skse functions to the developers in that topic is what is needed


You could probably link that in the first post so that any valuable information gleened from lemmings jumping off the cliff could find its way to being useful, and have this topic serve as a buffer/filter for the general populace trying daft things

Hate to tell you this, but no mod author is going to test every SKSE function thas been released for 1.7.3(for 2.0.0). You can count on that much not happening. They'll test if their mods are working. Further testing will have to come from 'elsewhere'. If I can get my CK working again(long story), I'll go for it, but I know it'd just be me doing that >_>. That's usually how it goes. The SKSE team has done their part, but as far as I'm concerned, SKSE64 is still in a bad spot and not because of the team or whatever.

Edited by Rasikko
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Hate to tell you this, but no mod author is going to test every SKSE function thas been released for 1.7.3(for 2.0.0). You can count on that much not happening. They'll test if their mods are working.


Why would you think any particular mod author needs to test every function? The entire point of this release is specifically so that each mod author can check the functions that they actually use. In the end every function (that's needed) will still get tested and verified by someone. When the Beta release is created any problems missed by the mod authors during this Alpha release will still show up as bugs reported by players using those mods or people trying to port old mods themselves.


But it's too early for average players to be involved in this process in the same way that it was too early for anyone other than the team and rare individuals like eternity before now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So deadly mutilation is working on SKSE64?? that mod is one of the "must-have" for this game! <3

could you please confirm if deadly mutilation is working on skse64? I just wanna know before start testing

Edited by slowman87
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  • 1 month later...

Ok so I'm sure there must be loads of postings somewhere on the web but I guess there is another update for Skyrim SE and naturally that means waiting for yet another SKSE patch.

Does anyone know an easy way to roll back to the earlier Skyrim version ??


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