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I Installed some mods for Skyrim but now i crashes. I T´dont know how to fix it...


I play Skyrim Legendary Edition.


Here is the load order:



















dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp




KJ Tattoos 2K.esp

Urwy Weapon Compilation.esp


List of the mods i installed:


Add Item Menu

Apachii Sky Hair

Apotheus Light Armor

Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition

Fores New Idles

HDT Physics Extension

Lockpick Pro

KJ Tattoos

Kunoichi Female Voice

Net Immense Override

Omegared99 armor Compilation

Pretty Female Idles

Race Manu

Realistic ragdolls And Force

Real Vision ENB

Show Race Menu Precache Killer

Sky UI

Sword Of The Ancient Tongues

The Joy Of Perspective

UI Extensions

Urwy Weapon Compilation

XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended


If someone knows why it crashes please reply. It crashes when i try to load my savegame.

Edited by Eclipseaura
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Net Immerse Override and Show Race Menu Precache Killer are built into Racemenu, you don't need these, just Racemenu, unless something has changed in the special edition iteration of that mod. for oldrim both of these mods mentioned are built into Racemenu


Are your master files cleaned ? (Basically have you cleaned, Update.ESM, Dawnguard.ESM, Hearthfires.ESM and Dragonborn.ESM using Tes5Edit, This is essential on a modded game)


have you run LOOT to sort your load order ? (not that it should really matter too much given how few mods you have, its a lot more important on much bigger load orders. but it is still valid and should always be run on a modded game)


Is your enblocal set up correctly ?


their is quite a lot of reasons why the game would crash. since it is crashing whilst attempting to load a save game, that could very well be a script related issue, have you deleted any mods that have scripts, in your current play through ?


you could try this tool (Save Game Script Cleaner) download it here --> https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363/? <--


Run it - click on your latest save in the tool. and then click the 3 options to clean potential broken scripts.


after that, try loading your save game again, if you manage to get into the game, then we know it is a script related issue, however this might only be a temporary solution.


last question, how big is your latest save file. and when you installed the mods were they also installed on an active play through or on a brand new game.


also since you do have an ENB, did you make sure that Antialiasing is turned of in both your Gpu Control Panel and Skyrim Launcher.


Note: i have never played the special edition of skyrim, and the last time i played skyrim was a long time ago, so my information may be a bit off, however when i did play skyrim, i was modding it for several years and taught myself a lot in that time. just so we are clear. so basically all of this info is based on memory.


Edit: lol i just thought, how are you getting Racemenu and Sky Ui to work on Skyrim Special Edition, both of which requires Skse64 bit, which is currently in Alpha, so yea theirs your issue right there XD i really should read posts much better. in fact quite a few mods you have require SKSE64


or you are using mods made for oldrim, and is attempting to get them to work on Skyrim Special Edition, this wont work, they will need to be ported over, and any mod that does require Skse will not work until Skse64 is ready for public use.


either way this will not work, you will need to skip any mod that has skse as a requirement for special edition. and any mod made for oldrim, unless mentioned that it works for special edition, or alternatively go back oldrim, where the mod choice is far greater.


but i will still leave all this information here anyway.

Edited by Guest
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