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Followers keep dying on me!


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You can revive your dead companions via the console. I can't remember the precise commands, you can you tube it. I used it once when I was playing early game and didn't even know my companion died.


yep, console, click the follower/companion's body until the correct ref ID's shows up, enter 'resurrect', is what you probably used.

i've always gone back to a previous gamesave and repeated a quest if a follower went to the Halls of Sovngarde afterlife.

cannot in good conscious continue the game otherwise, life in skyrim doesn't seem too precious but i feel otherwise.

and i cringe whenever lydia says ' i will protect you with my life..' geez.

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That could be useful. Thanks ugug2000!


@ xlcr

I can't find Maven anywhere. It's like someone tipped her off that the Dragonborn was a lezzie looking for a gay marriage with her so she's done a runner! ROFL


and i cringe whenever lydia says ' i will protect you with my life..'


What, because her lifespan is generally only a few minutes? ;)

I ended up hating her. She got right up my nose when in dungeons together. If she wasn't coughing in front of draugrs or saying "Ouch!" when I hadn't even touched her, she had a terrible habit of blocking doorways. That grated away at my patience so much that when she died it was like Christmas had come early.

Edited by AleCuneo
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maven shamaven hargraven, she can't run that fast.., AleCuneo you can do this console thingie to teleport yourself to her spiderhole when you're ready to get it on:

player.moveto 00019dd1

(00019dd1 being Mav's ref ID digits)

or you can teleport her big briar butt right in front of you lol:

prid 00019dd1


moveto player


looking forward to seeing a hard R rated youtube vid posted w/you and your future BB spouse, i'll bet Esbern will be jealous.

oh, and everything clumsy foxy moe lydia does i think is 'cute' in a skyrim way, just double-enchanted up nice tight fitting skimpy sexy Nightshade armor by calyps for her,

she look'n good with her dimonized unp bod lol.

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Wow, those console codes should really help. Many thanks xlcr!!!

BTW, I'm not really a lezzie. It's just that being female I started the game with a female character. Only much later did I discover that you can marry characters in this game. As I live for laughs I figured it would be a real crack to engineer a gay marriage with an absolute b**ch. Could make life more interesting, no?


I think Calientes mod is really good except that all female characters have the same dress and same huge butt/jugs. The mod needs at least an option to change each charcter's wardrobe.


How about a screenshot of your sexy Lydia?

Here's one of mine:






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@AleCuneo, there was a thread awhile back asking why guys were choosing to play female Skyrim dragonborn characters, didn't read the whole thing; but,

i think the generally accepted conclusion was most guys really didn't want to have to look at a guy's butt in 3rd person view running all over Skyrim for 100's of hours lol.

as a result, this trend also probably contributed in a big way to the rapid proliferation of big top/bottom, nude dets fixes, sexy skimpy stuff, and of course,

catwalk animation replacer mods.

sooo you are far from being unique (well maybe you are..) i too usually select the female sex in games for precisely the same reasons.

on my 2nd playthru playing as a female and have married lydia twice, guess i should shop around more, maven's not on the list.


tried the CBBE stuff and went back to vanilla unp dimonized normal weight, to each their own.

(fyi Caliente's has a weight slider somewhere you know.. not sure whatcha mean re the same dress thing)

having played skyrim for awhile now, think i've fallen in love with nordic women.

lydia looks like lydia, haven't changed her other than the usual mesh fixes so no pics sorry.


get bored with lydia/dragonborn's armor look so these constantly change and keep the game interesting in a barbie doll dress up kinda way.

sequentially i think i have so far stayed with using:

Killer Keo Skimpy CBBE V3.2 Shoulderless Dragonscale and Forsworn Armor Sets

Triss Armor Retex v2.1.1 by Psyke23,oldholo

Masters of Death - Rise of the Brotherhood v2.1 by fume0101

Nightshade Armor,DIMONIZED,UNP,standalone,skimpysexy v0.9c by calyps


its so easy to level up in skyrim i'm getting to the point where even with the game at high difficulty i'll just play my team naked,

no armor, just weapons, bands of matrimony, cat ear headbands and tatoos. whatever..lol


oh, before i forget, if you have a longterm follower/companion you should look into the procedure to refresh their stats.

game might still be bugged and lydia for example doesn't level up properly leaving her more & more vulnerable to enemies as the dragonborn levels up.

you can check their current stats w/console, for example, select follower: getav health

(some other codes are: stamina, heavyarmor, lightarmor, marksman, onehanded, twohanded, damageresist, sneak, block, magicka, carryweight).


to 'level up' follower stats the workaround procedure people are using as follows:

1. remove all gear from their inventory (or you will lose it), dismiss follower, console, select follower.

2. console command: disable (follower will vanish but don't click anything), console command: enable.

3. exit console, re-join follower, re-equip, kiss and make-up.


if you recheck their refreshed stats using getav you should now see better numbers.

also, install follower mod/tweaker to remove the cap bethesda put on follower leveling stats.

Follower Tweaks - Several Flavors v2 by Expired


Skyrim NPC Editor 0_67 by foretrenty


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