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Take control of people


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I would like a mod where you can take control of npc's and fight as the npc. this could be balanced for an actual playthrough by making it like a syringer ammo that only lasts a certain amount of time. Or you have to be a higher level than them. It would also be cool if you could make them harm themselves. It would be a lot like the console command but actually be able to attack while playing as someone else... I have never posted anything here and assume theses requests don't get fulfilled. But I am hopeful, it doesn't even have to be the way i said, as long as i can take control of people and hurt other people. I hope others would enjoy this too!

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indeed, that'd be fairly awesome, something like in

PsiOps the Mindgate Conspiracy or JK:JA, 'mind trick' etc.

you can take over the target briefly, with 'rad-mutant powers'...


it might be possible via nodes etc,

and it would be awesome when combined with stuff like "Regulators of the Commonwealth"

to let you play as the members from the posse...

it's tricky though, kinda like simulated multiplayer via local hotswitching etc.

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