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Oblivion crash when I move to other area ! Help me please!


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My Oblivion game works fine. However, when I move to another area, it will crash sometime (ussually) ( and show up the CTD : "The instruction XXXXXXX at memory could not be read ...."). It drives me crazy. Hix ! Can anyone who have the experience with this problem, please help me ! I begging you ! Hu hu !


I'm so sorry about my bad English !

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Crashing when changing cells can be caused by a number of things (e.g. badly fragmented hard drive, mods with dirty edits, corrupted saves). We'll need more details to help, mod list and load order (How to post a load order for Oblivion) and whether or not you use quicksave for a start. The defrag utility that comes with Windows does an acceptable if not perfect job. You can find it off your Start menu's 'Accessories' 'System Tools'.


Don't worry about your English. You're doing far better than I could ever hope to do in whatever your native language may be.

Edited by Striker879
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My game just crash when I move to another area. Even I use quick save or not, it still crashes. I just check the defrag. I use the Disk Defragmenter to analyze both C and D disks, but it say "no need to defrag" <3%. Also, I use BOSS to make my list mod order and run "TES4LODGen.exe" to be sure about the conflict. And there is my list mod order. I do not know how to do ... Please, help me !


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p/s: I use Win XP service pack 3.

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I'm no load order expert, but are you sure that you've run BOSS and then rebuilt your bashed patch? The bashed patch is usually located either at the very bottom of your load order or very close to the bottom (with only mods that need to load after the bashed patch lower on the list ... your's is mid list). Any time you add or delete mods you need to rerun BOSS and rebash.
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  On 3/7/2012 at 10:01 PM, Striker879 said:

I'm no load order expert, but are you sure that you've run BOSS and then rebuilt your bashed patch? The bashed patch is usually located either at the very bottom of your load order or very close to the bottom (with only mods that need to load after the bashed patch lower on the list ... your's is mid list). Any time you add or delete mods you need to rerun BOSS and rebash.


Thank you a lot for answering me. So, you think my problem cause by the error of load order? Right? I'll try a lot ways to oder my mod list as much as possible to see how it work. If I'm faild, please continue to support me ! Thank again.

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I'm not sure how confident you are about using Wrye Bash and making your bashed patch. On this Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide page go to the pictures tab (has the number 67 on it) and look over the top seven pictures (starting beside where it says 'Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide'). That is the instructions for making a bashed patch. See if there is anything there that you may have gotten mixed up on.
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Thank to everyone. Now, I feel so confuse about this game >.<. I just find out it several days ago, so I don;t kno much about this game, mods, etc.... Please tell me about " bashed patch ". Or If you have any free time, please order this list for me to follow. I'm begging you !


Here is my final list ( I won't change it for long time):



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Edited by tieuphieu
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The 'bashed patch' is a mod that Wrye Bash creates that is specific to the mods you have loaded in your game. It helps resolve conflicts between mods (if mod A and mod B are trying to change the same thing it allows you to pick which mod 'wins' and thus what the game will use). Some of those conflicts can be resolved by letting BOSS sort your load order but some conflicts can't be resolved by load order alone. Say you want the body from mod A and the hair from mod B, but mod A includes hair that you don't want and mod B includes a body that you don't want. If you put mod B lower in the load order you'll get the hair you want but also the body you don't want. If you put mod A lower in the load order you'll get the body you want but not the hair. Wrye Bash and the bashed patch will allow you to have mod A's body at the same time as mod B's hair. It does that by taking the things you want from each and putting them in the bashed patch and then disables the esps for mod A and mod B ... and this is only one small example of what it's capable of.


It would be difficult for someone else to do your load order for you, as they would need to download and install all the same mods as you have, but none of their own mods that you don't have. If you have some specific things you're having trouble with try posting a question on the Wyre Bash Pictorial Guide page and perhaps alt3rn1ty will be able to help.


It may be that the bashed patch I see in your current load order is the empty one that Wrye Bash puts in your load order when you first install it, and it's 'moved' to the middle of your load order as you've added more mods since then (in which case it's not hurting anything as it's just an empty esp file, but it's also not helping like it could until you run Wrye Bash and build a bashed patch).

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Thank you a lot for make me understand about it. I'll try to learn about the Bashed patch. But seem to be I have one more trouble, Some of my character lost their head @@, but in the morning, all of things are fine. Please help me again ! Thank you again !
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