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something that i really miss is the idea of fishing. There are fishing poles all over the world but you cant use them. perhaps someone should do something about it. Perhaps a fishtank to store the fish, tanks to breed fish, and even a guy who makes fish decorations for on the walls.

The only thing that i can make is a couple of houses, i have the ideas but not yet started on creation kit.


feel free to send me comments about the ideas

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I wish you can hunt sea monsters on this, would be so awesome if sea monsters were in. :P

I should of added this to a hunting suggestion but hunting sea monsters is sort of like fishing;

such as hunting Moby Dick or the Kraken for example...

Edited by Cryous7
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great idea...I think if you make the pole usable like a weapon, swing it 1 time to look like a cast and put a timed script after the swing. After a minute make a percent chance of catching a type of fish. Im not sure how to make the script activate only neer water thow...
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