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Weird water reflection ?


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Hello, i think the picture speaks for themselves.






It only happens at a higher angle for some reason.


i don't have anything that touch to lighting & reflection in exterior, the road textures are from "roads redone" and i do have vivid water.






This is the reflection without vivid water, it gets rid of the blue color but the reflection still disappear at a lower angle.

I don't exactly know where it comes from, i'll try to double check any lighting /reflection change beside the ENB (note that this problem only appeared recently and i had this ENB for a while)


Thanks to anyone that can help me as i'm really confused right now.

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do yourself a favor and get rid of these un-immersive puddles xD




i know my post does not help you with your issue, but it will completely eliminate the issue, as these puddles are poorly rendered and are fake and unimmersive, i mean they are their permanently, yet on a hot day they should disappear.


for the record i had the same issue as you, but just got rid of em, as they were spoiling my 4k roads. ironically the same roads you have.


honestly the game looks far superior without these puddles.

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