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Changing Weight


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I don't even know if this is possible, but I thought I'd throw it out there just as an idea if nothing else. I was reading a role playing guide to Skyrim and daydreaming about all of the possible future realism mods (which I love to play with) when I came upon an idea that I haven't even seen done in Oblivion. How about a mod that allows your character to lose or gain weight depending on what he or she eats and how often? It could just change the weight slider or something.


For example, if someone is poor they may eat more herbs, flowers and plants from the wild in their raw form. Raw meats would also fit in this category if you just killed something and ate it.


If someone has more means available to them they could cook things together and create actual meals that would put more weight on you. Too many of these would reflect in your character. This could go great with mods that also add recipes to the game.


I haven't thought about what affect the having less or more weight might have on the character. I would be pleased if there didn't need to be any affects, I would just be motivated to stay in an attractive shape to want to regulate what I eat and when. If someone wanted to get a little more detailed and complicated with the mod I suppose they could add less stamina regen or slower stamina regen when underweight, optimal or boosted stamina regen when average and less stamina regen or carry weight stats when over weight.


I apologize if this idea is offending to anyone.

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While this is technically possible, it's not plausible until either Scriptdragon or SKSE starts messing with the command you would use. The reason for this is because, at the moment, if you change the weight of the player or an NPC, it resets certain things about them, like face paint, removing them entirely. And, without a way to dynamically edit characters, this proves rather troublesome to correct, since there is no way to do so at all for NPCs, and the only way to do so for the player is to pop open the race menu, which gives the potential of resetting a lot of skills and statistics.
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