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hide "value" in inventory


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I was always baffled at how in a game that strives for lore realism they would automatically give a gold value to every item you ever pick up...


Would it be difficult to mod something that removes prices from items you pick up? It would add a new level of challenge to the game IMO and make it more realistic. When you find a rusty sword lying around or a neat looking jewel, it doesn't have a sticker attached to it with the price shown. You have to basically guess whether or not you might be able to get something for it from a vendor.


Maybe this is a terrible idea and everyone will hate it, but I for one with DL and endorse something like this.

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I also would love to get a more immersive infosystem. removing the pricetag would be a good start.

It actually keeps the player further away from the gameworld: I mostly just rush through a dungeon watching out for minimum of X value/weight items...

- not very rpg style of playing. removing the pricetag would help getting away from such a immersion breaking habit (similiar to no ft mods)

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I also would love to get a more immersive infosystem. removing the pricetag would be a good start.

It actually keeps the player further away from the gameworld: I mostly just rush through a dungeon watching out for minimum of X value/weight items...

- not very rpg style of playing. removing the pricetag would help getting away from such a immersion breaking habit (similiar to no ft mods)


Pardon my ignorance, but what does "ft" stand for?


Duh, just thought of the answer 4 seconds after I hit "post" lol


(Fast Travel)


...and yes, you're absolutely right.

Edited by Dahveed
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