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[LE] Question about Dwemer room with a hole in the wall.


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I'm making a player home based on Dwemer architecture. It's for personal use at the moment but I had it in mind that I could make an interesting set of quests about it and make it into a mod for downloading at some point.


With that in mind, I used DweRmSmCorInHoleL01 for one corner of the antechamber. I wanted to put a cave hall or mining tunnel onto this to account for how the future quest-giver might have stumbled on the place.


I've looked for ages but can't find a transition piece for this or any clue as to what kit is intended to join up to it. Ordinary cave transition pieces are nowhere near matching up with it.


Does anybody here know?


If I can't find the part I suppose I could try to cobble together a transition using rocks and rubble but that's a pain.

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I can't think of one particular cell at the moment, not at my computer, but if you look at some of the cells around Markarth especially the ones associated with the quests given by Calcemo you may get an idea.


But I think your best bet is to find something to your liking and fill in the gaps from there. I know it can be a pain in the arse but usually winds up looking more natural.

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Ahh! The quest...


It's either a long story or a short one!


The concise version is that I got totally hacked off attempting to get the final battle scene to work as I wanted. I set it aside to give myself a break and never went back to it.


The reason I'm back on the site now was to ease my way back into CK with a humble player home mod for myself. One that nevertheless involves most of the basics and more when I feel like it.


I was actually inspired to start again by the Rigmor mod and a conversation with the author, who's one heck of a good person!


So here I am! I've been given some tips as to how to get my final fight scene to work, as intended, so I'll pick up the mod again once my Dwemer home is good to go.


Thanks for asking. It's a bit of a boost to know that somebody was still interested.


When I do start back on it, there's a way to go. First the fight. It's in an arena. The dragonborn and his followers get trapped in a Nord pit with a pair of caged frost trolls. The Boss and his two lieutenants are watching from a column accessed by two bridges from the balcony that runs around the pit. The rest of his gang are lined up on the balconies watching too.


Stage 1, the boss gives a sneering speech and orders the release of the trolls. (one of his followers operates a lever to release the spear gates.)

Stage 2. Defeat the trolls and get another speech from the boss who orders his gang to attack.

Stage 3. defeat the gang and the boss gives one last furious monologue and drops the magic barriers that have been protecting him and his lieutenants.


Defeat them and you get to progress to the lovely reward chests!


Then there's the side quest to complete. The boss has been keeping generations of local people enthralled to serve him and his gang. Even killing the boss does not stop the powerful curse he has put on them. That can only be done by gathering items mentioned in one of the books and using them to destroy the pentagram in the first room of the dungeon....


...don't expect anything soon!


By the way, I've decided to ditch the hole in the wall approach. Instead, I'll add a loadcell door to that room, make another cell with a Dwemer façade that merges with the mining tunnels, as if the miners dug and exposed the old Dwemer doorway. That way, I can make a really authentic looking excavation without worrying about rubble, balconies etc showing up inside the Dwemer player home. It also allows me to expand the mine section at a later date without worrying about performance issues. I'll add a trapdoor entrance to the home so that the player can access it without travelling through the mines every time.


Isn't it strange that encountering problems so often forces us to think of a better solution. Problems are good!

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