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please help (problem with the land in game)


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Need help! Please view the attach file and tell me What is this problem and how to fix it? This Happen when I tried to set max all Video option in game. My computer has ATI radeon HD 4600 graphic card, I checked all my mods and they're still working good. Someone told me dowload and replace with Shader files in this link http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=20348#content and I tried but the nothing changed.

Sorry, cause my poor English. Watting for your anser.

Edited by haidk
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Now that you've got the vanilla game shaders back you could try rebuilding your Oblivion.ini file. Find the file Oblivion.ini that is found in 'Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion' for Vista and Windows 7 or 'Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion' for Windows XP (NOT the file Oblivion_default.ini that is found in your game install's Oblivion folder). Rename Oblivion.ini to Oblivionini.old so that the game won't see it. Start the game as far as the main menu and exit. The game will rediscover your hardware and rebuild a new Oblivion.ini. You may need to go into the game's video menu and reselect your screen resolution etc. as the game doesn't do a real good job of identifying hardware that hadn't even been dreamed of back when the game was released.
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Now that you've got the vanilla game shaders back you could try rebuilding your Oblivion.ini file. Find the file Oblivion.ini that is found in 'Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion' for Vista and Windows 7 or 'Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion' for Windows XP (NOT the file Oblivion_default.ini that is found in your game install's Oblivion folder). Rename Oblivion.ini to Oblivionini.old so that the game won't see it. Start the game as far as the main menu and exit. The game will rediscover your hardware and rebuild a new Oblivion.ini. You may need to go into the game's video menu and reselect your screen resolution etc. as the game doesn't do a real good job of identifying hardware that hadn't even been dreamed of back when the game was released.


Dear friends, It worked, thank you so much.

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It's me again, and this problem also happen again, after I installed HUD satatus bar mod. I tried your way many times but it didn't fix as last time. What should I do? Do I need to reinstall the game (and ofcouse all the mods) T__T.
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Try uninstalling the offending mod that you just installed and see what happens. If it looks the same, follow striker's advice AFTER uninstalling the offending mod. If this does not fix the problem then you may want to consider a reinstall. Make sure you pay attention to the incompatibilities of mods before you install them!
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I don't use any HUD Status Bars mod myself, but if I recall correctly it's not the easiest to get installed and running right. There are options you can set, either in an 'ini' file or 'xml' file if I'm remembering correctly. Read the readme and make sure you have it installed correctly and that you understand what settings are the default ones, and which you may want to try changing. You can also try posting a question on the mod comments page. Depending on which particular HUD mod you installed the author should be supporting it, and will have a much better understanding of the more common problems and solutions.
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