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Ok, i know how much people hate Runescape mods, but i want to see a version of varrock. i know the first thing that comes to your mind is "WTF is wrong with you!" But varrock is a very user friendly

city. There is a "slum" like area short of like the water front, and plunty of shops. even a fairly desent sized castle.


Shops: Zaff's Staves, Horvik's Armoury, Lowe's Bows n' Arrows, Thessalia's Cloth shop, The blue Moon inn, Aubury's Magic shop, and a weapons smith (the shope owner was just called Shop owner for his NPC name) there are also 2 banks East and West (Nice spot to store goods you dont want to carry on your person) and a large castle. The slums are to the south. Theres a wall around the city yet you can walk into it Morrowmind style. South east of the main entrance is a stone circule to the quest "demon Slayer." you get the quest from a gypsy named gypsy aris. If there is any more detail you need PM me. i will attach a jpg to the post for a better visual, i will also mark the places i was talkin about in the picture with a key as well.


Edit: in the picture the red word is Bank.

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that look pretty cool as i play rs myself lol but u really think someone would do it cause for some reason people think runescape is pretty sh*t but cant back up their story
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Ok, I'll tell you why it sucks.


1. If you're not a member you can do just about nothing cool.

2. It's very dated and sooo 8 years ago.

3. The gameplay isn't very great.

4. The community sucks, you get people camping creature spawns, try to scam you all the time etc etc. It's worse than the big MMO's, like WoW and Guild Wars.

5. You have to play for a obscenely long time before you get to a high level.

6. The music...no comment

7. Whenever you die you lose everything that wasn't equiped.

8. The quests aren't done well, I lost the amulet thing by accident and cannot speak to the ghost in the first town, so I can never complete the quest unless somebody gives me another amulet.


I think that just about sums it up.

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Which is why it desvers a remake, I mean the town of Varrock is acctualy one of the better towns. You could even add the quests from Varrock, just change them to make them more fun or something.
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Not to mention they killed free trading, player vs. player with a decent reward, the company doesn't listen at all to their customers, the company took control of the economy (What kind of company does that in an MMO I ask!?)


I could go on, but Halororor got most of it.

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I could help with building models, but thats about it. To tell you the truth it would be second best to the imperial City because it has a large veriaty of shops. And even a bank for those items you want to keep (Alcomey) that you dont want to carry around.


Edit: Bump

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